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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

McCanns used fund to pay mortgage

McCanns used fund to pay mortgage

The fighting fund set up to help find Madeleine McCann was used by her parents to make two mortgage payments, their spokesman has said.

Anyone doubting that the McCanns are crooks only has to look at the wording of their findmadeleinefund "The fund has always had the ability to assist the family financially if necessary." to realise that it was a scam from the outset. Had they been truthful and stated that they were seeking donations to prolong their holiday and pay for their mortgage and give financial assistance to the rest of the Clan McCann, would the public have been so generous?


Anonymous said...

Shit, you just beat me to this post! I thought I'd better check here first. I just had the same contents in my clipboard ready to paste when I saw you already had it. You bugger!

Fidothedog said...

Might as well turn a tragic event into a money spinner, least thats how the McCanns see it.

jailhouselawyer said...

ron knee: You really will have to get up earlier in the morning to catch the worm. There is nothing stopping you also posting about this.

fidothedog: I cannot believe how much licence people are giving them to take liberties...

Barnacle Bill said...

With the drip dripping of bad publicity about the McCanns. I wonder if the public are not being prepared for the moment when the McCanns are finally arrested.
I just wish John Stalker had been a bit more forthright in his article. But I had the feeling he was pointing his readers in the right direction.

jailhouselawyer said...

barnacle bill: I agree with John Stalker that the Tapas Bar 9 are hiding a secret.

However, unlike him, I don't accept the abduction theory. I believe that it was an inside job.

eeore said...

I notice Sky News was still refering to it as a charity fund yesterday.

I also notice that a commenter on the Daily Mail website said that the Charity Commision should be informed.

The fund has never been a charity, and was refused charity status from the off.

Linda Corby said...

I have put an article out on how I feel about this here:

Its free to read my rant there.

jailhouselawyer said...

linda corby: I don't where you put the article you refer to, but the link you provide is to my blog and you have not put the article on here.

Anonymous said...

The fund was always about these two vampires, these child exploiters. The people who gave to the fund were syrupy mindless mush. The McCanns ARE responsible for what has happened to Madeleine. I think everyone should turn their backs on them-the truth will out, never fear about that.