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Sunday, December 05, 2010

Deputation from the Equal Political Rights Campaign Committee to discuss the Enfranchisement of Women

Deputation from the Equal Political Rights Campaign Committee to discuss the Enfranchisement of Women

LADY ASTOR: First I want to thank you for receiving this great and noble body of women, and I am reminded that the first organised body of women to appeal for justice were daughters of Zelophehd, who went to Moses and asked that they might inherit the lands of their father. Moses very wisely asked the Lord, and the Lord's answer was on the side of the women; the only thing was that they should not marry out of their Tribe. We know that there are some men in the world to-day who are a little behind Moses, and some of them are called Lords, and when women appeal to them for equal rights and justice, they do not call on the Lord. We are rejoiced that you, a great commoner, have pledged yourself to give women equal franchise in this Parliament. We agree with your Cambridge speech fully. We have always realised that true democracy will have to depend upon men and women, and we realise that when troubles come the women get the hard end of the stick. We feel that they will always get it until they have complete equality with men. We are grateful to you for making that promise, and will be more grateful when we see it carried out in this Parliament. I myself have never doubted your word, but have been a little discouraged by some of those round you. I will first of all ask Lady Rhondda to address you.

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