30 December 2010
Statement following the sentencing of Mikhail Khodorkovsky on 30 December.
Foreign Secretary William Hague said:
“I am deeply concerned by the implications of this case concerning Mikhail Khodorkovsky for confidence in how the law is applied in Russia.
The UK calls on Russia to respect the principles of justice and apply the rule of law in a non-discriminatory and proportional way. In the absence of this the UK and much of the international community will regard such a trial as a retrograde step”.
Pot calling kettle black. How has Hirst v UK (No2) been applied in the UK? Over 5 years and the UK has not complied with the ECtHR judgment. Justice delayed is justice denied. The international community is coming to the belief that the UK is a rogue or pariah state.
Sort out your own backyard and put pressue on Kenneth Clarke the Secretary of State for Justice to ensure that all convicted prisoners get their human right to the vote!
I agree with you, those who live in glass houses!! Keep up the good work John
Megegg: In February Russia ratified Protocol 14 under the Lisbon Treaty thus allowing myself and the Council of Europe to attack the exposed UK.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of the Mikhail Khodorkovsky affair, the UK is in no position to moralise on human rights and rule of law.
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