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Monday, March 26, 2007

Stormont in a tea cup...

At a table for two. Gerry from the Adams Family asks: "More tea vicar?".
"Never!", scowled the Jaffa cake eating reverend.
"Coffee?", ask Gerry politely.
"Never!", scowled the British Bulldog with a strong Northern Ireland accent.
"Perhaps, a biscuit?" Gerry asked holding out a Bonio as a peace offering.
"Never!", scowled the rabid dog.
"How's about a drop of Guinness?", Mr Adams inquired.
"NEVER!", scowled the last man standing from Cromwell's Army.
"To be sure you'd like a chocolate eclair?".
"Go on then, you're a man after my own heart", the reverend conceded.

Never, say never, never, never, never again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And to think that I have just been down to Petticoat Lane and bought a Paisley shirt, mind you the pattern was very loud..