My being an internet junkie starts with getting my daily fix. I get up and get dressed and have a shit, a fag, and a cup of tea, then take Rocky for a 20 minute walk. When I get back, I turn on the gas cooker and throw a couple of bacon rashers into the frying pan. Whilst my breakfast is frying, I pop upstairs into my study and kick start my computer into life and light another fag. It appears to take an interminably long time to boot up, this is because AVG Free informs me that there has been a change to boot sector Disk path C, but that it is virus free. In any event, I look to see on my Site Meter who is on and how many have visited my blog since I went to bed last night. I check my Technorati ranking, I'm still 25,000 too many to get inside of the top 100,000! When my fag is finished, I go back downstairs to the kitchen and turn the bacon over in the frying pan, flick the switch on the electric kettle and put coffee and sugar into a mug. It all seems like a military operation. I butter two slices of bread ready for my bacon sandwich. It's a fast boil kettle, and I pour the hot water into the mug before going to the fridge for the milk and my eye drops. The bacon is ready and sandwich completed this in one hand, mug of coffee in the other, a dash upstairs and back to the computer. I suffer from Internet Addiction Disorder.
I go down my blogroll. Bel is Thinking is still taking a rest away from the computer. Bob Piper has a post suggesting that the non-story about Dyke running for London Mayor might just be a story after all. He provides a link to the Independent which I follow. My eyes catch another story "Robert Fisk: Caught in the deadly web of the internet - any political filth or personal libel can be hurled at the innocent". I make a mental note to follow this up once I have read the article Bob has led me to.
It's annoying, I cannot initially get the link to Fisk because there is a fucking advert for Yamaha "Learn to play the keyboard" preventing access. Never mind your fucking keyboard, it's interfering with mine! I try the Independent Home Page and then find the link to the Fisk story. I have got my fix.
"Could it possibly be that the security men who guard the frontiers of North America are supporting Holocaust denial? Alas, it's true. Here's the story". It links with this story, and because of the new Homeland Security department under John Reid, we should all be afraid of this madman because he likes the idea of suspects being guilty first and having to prove their innocence later. We are living in frightening times. It also links to the Virginia Tech story, even if only to the extent that I have linked it in my mind.
The internet and blogging gives us a new found freedom. However, it can imprison us to our computers. And, then there is the danger which Devils Kitchen has highlighted and which Fisk now appears to confirm with his story.
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