The institutionalised racist Metropolitian Police spent £4M of taxpayers money spying on Ali Dizaei who was at the time a Metrpolitan Police Superintendent and legal adviser to the National Black Police Officer Association (NBPA), which in itself is a racist organisation by reverse discrimination.
When the law breaks the law there is no law.
I don't agree that NBPA is in any way racist.
It's one of those funny things - the National Black Police Association just happens to be called that. Honest. It's a national police association made up of regional black police associations. Membership is open to any member of one of the black police associations, whether they be afro-caribbean, african, asian, middle eastern or from the asian sub-continent, but is also open to anyone whose aims are consistent with those of the NBPA. So there. It is not racist. It's just easier to become a member if you're not white. Serves us right, we are bastards.
Obviously, all NBPA members who are serving police officers can also be members of the Police Federation, which does not discriminate for or against them, so isn't much use when it comes to lobbying for special treatment for the few over the many. C'est la vie. As a result, the PolFed is probably regarded by the NBPA as the White Police Association.
Needless to say, it is unlikely that anyone will have the bottle to formally start a National White Police Association. If they did, their own membership would only be valid for the brief remainder of their career. As that would be racist. Obviously.
Most of the current definitions of racism and "race crime" involve reference to personal perception. I personally perceive the NBPA, hoist by its own constitution, to be racist. Surely that means it is ? Or does it not count because I'm white ?
Is it because I is bleck?
Maneatingcheesesandwich: I believe they have a national white police association in the States, it called the KKK...
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