British National Party (BNP) thugs Christopher and Barry Roberts alleged that Gerry Gable, Steve Silver and the Searchlight Magazine Ltd libelled them in an article in the October 2003 edition of a monthly magazine called Searchlight. The article stated that Christopher Roberts had stolen money collected for the BNP at a BNP rally, and that he did not return the money until threatened with the police, and that both Christopher and Barry Roberts threatened to kneecap, torture and kill Dave Hill and Robert Jeffries alias Bob James, and the families of Dave Hill and Robert Jeffries alias Bob James, and that both of the Roberts might be subject to a police investigation.
The BNP case for libel was thrown out of court at the first instance, by Eady J, on the grounds that Searchlight argued the privilege defence.
The BNP appealed to the Court of Appeal, and lost their appeal. The full law report is here, it makes for interesting reading.
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