I think Kate McCann is right to be concerned about the Portuguese police wanting to question her about the disappearance of Madeleine. In fact, she is so concerned that "The McCanns have employed the services of top Lisbon lawyer Carlos Pinto de Abreu". There is nothing wrong in getting the best lawyer available, provided that he is not paid out of the findmadeleine fund. However, I question why someone who is only a so-called witness in the case would need a lawyer? There is an irony in that their lawyer "has made a formal application to the district attorney in Portimao for the couple's status to be changed from "witness" to "assistant" in the investigation". In the UK, 'assisting the police with inquiries' is a euphuism for a police suspect about to be arrested and charged.
According to The First Post, thanks to Liz for the tip off, "the scent of a corpse has been found on Kate McCann's clothes by British sniffer dogs. The scent was also found on Madeleine's Cuddle Cat...[and]...in the boot of the McCanns' rented car". If these findings are reliable, then it would explain why Kate McCann had such difficulty in answering the simple question, during a TV interview, "Was Madeleine asleep when you went to the Tapas Bar?". This is because Madeleine was already dead and she knew about it. After a short while Kate McCann returned to the question and replied "Yes, yes, she was". A friend of mine who is a Professor of Philosophy thought it was suspicious that Kate McCann had to think about the answer first, she said it should have come off the top of her head, which is as I expected as well. It is the same with Gerry McCann announcing that 2 weeks before the 50th day that they would mark Madeleine's disappearance by releasing 50 balloons. How did Gerry know 2 weeks in advance that she would not be found unless he knew what had really happened to her?
Another irony is the McCanns complaining that the police investigation had returned to square one. The McCanns view was that this was because the police didn't have a clue. However, I thought that it was sensible to backtrack after following the McCanns false trail of an abduction and examine the parents as suspects and the flat. I think that the police have suspected them all along. They just did not know how Madeleine died. For example, whether Gerry lashed out and killed Madeleine or whether she died as the result of a drug overdose.
Good summing up!
This really has come on leaps and bounds in the last few days hasn't it, John? I was getting rather fed up that things were not moving at all, let alone in this direction. How much of that sniffer dog stuff is true is difficult to say; same goes for all the forensics. But from day one I've said there has been something astoundingly fishy about all of this, and it looks like some stuff might start coming out in the wash.
If it does get to the point at which they are charged or convicted of anything, we'll have to endure something even worse. First of all, they will have their groupies going around protesting innocence, even if they are convicted. And secondly, we'll have dozens of TV specials and articles dedicated to how they fooled 'the public'. My particular loathing of the MSM at the moment is their tendency to group everyone together. At the moment we are all sure of Gerry and Kate's innocence. And if and when everything comes out, we will all be flabbergasted.
Just wondering, by drug overdose, I assume you mean something like a sleeping tablet or tranquiliser?
So you would go to a foreign country to be questioned by police without any legal help? yeah sure.
David: I think the police have played them at their own media game. And, its only when they said that they intended to return to the UK that the police thought it was time to move in. Like you, I smelt something fishy and my archives bear this out. Whilst the MSM were treating them as victims I have treated them as suspects.
At the weekend, I think it was in the Sunday Times, a female reporter started off with just the fact of a disappearance. But, then she let her emotions get the better of her and when she mentioned interviewing Kate McCann, all of a sudden what Kate McCann said became facts ie "break-in" and "abduction". The journalist had lost the plot.
Yes, I was thinking about sleepers or tranquilisers. Them being doctors and claiming that the children never wake up during the night, and easy access to drugs. And, why they did not use the creche, or baby sitters or baby monitors.
anonymous 8.30: If you are just a witness there is no need for a lawyer.
I've just looked at the Liverpool Echo to see what it has to say about one of its daughters...what a f******!!!!!
From what i have read today, there is a strong suggestion that Kate McCann is the main one. Long ago i said to my mum that it was him and my said 'why not her?'.
What a sad and disturbing day it will be when and IF the McCanns are charged with the murder of their Daughter.
I hope they have told the truth, that she disappeared from her bed, the alternative doesn't bare thinking about!
How could they have kept up the pretence?
Remember they are innocent until proved otherwise. Oh I forgot juries don't always get it right either ...so perhaps we will never know the truth.
Funny, no blog entry from Gerry today. I wonder if he is already over the Spanish border with a false moustache and glasses and travelling under the name of Smith!
Forgive me for saying this but one only engages the best lawyer that money can buy when you are either completely innocent and have been charged falsely or you are screamingly guilty and you need to have mitigation and a backwards chance of getting out of things.
If its simple and you have nothing to fear and you can back up evidence with alibis then you don't need more than a reasonable lawyer.
That's my psychological view on it. I could be wrong
However I also firmly believe and would expect that no one is guilty unless proven to be by a court and until that time its pointless to chin wag about it.
Trial by Mainstream media is not good for anyone
Be kind, even if they have done the deed until a court proves it they are innocent.
Otherwise you can be sued for defamation
A point: they not employed Carlos Pinto de Abreu now - they emplyed him about 1-2 weeks ago, to sue a portuguese newspaper (the newspapaer had said that the police suspected of them).
Miguel, you're quite right. Though if Kate is now being considered a suspect, doesn't that libel suit now vanish into thin air?
Gerry this afternoon...
I can only speek for myself...and me personally have suspected the parents from day one.
The idea of a child being kidnapped from a hotel room, at her age, by a stranger without anyone to notice just don´t make any sence?
Ok, I understand that people react to horrible things in different ways, but this is like a bad terror-movie where the parents keep up the good face? I would have lost my mind completely if this happend to me, and would probably have to be put on drugs to just keep me calm? They are way to practical and devoted in their mission to be a greeving couple with all the fund-raising projects and so on....
I do not know if I missed something, but the twins were also alone in the room or? Did the not have any baby-watcher´s alarm for them to know if they would wake up?
I´m afraid I beleive Maddie is not, nor has she ever been missing...The parents are trying to desparetly hide a terrible mistake that accidently killed Maddie.
I've no problem with them being treated as suspects given the circumstances but I will not be making any judgements on their guilt or innocence until a trial has taken place and the evidence is heard.
All any of us KNOW at this stage is that the McCanns have questions to answer. Nothing more.
The way you and Zin Zine have got yourselves into an almost masturbatory frenzy in your McCann bashing borders on the sinister and since your so into making unsubstantiated accusations about people you know little about I'm sure you won't mind me noting that I find your excitement at the possible murder of a little girl cause for concern about your mental state. You and your lapdog zinzine forming a peado ring?
Great conspiracy theory, I wonder when the questions of sedants injections appear, all what they say(Kate & Gerry) is that they never administered to the children, but he question is not complete by not admiting taken the injections themselves.
To the comments of one blogger about to be questined in a foreign country I have to say that it matters when is in Thailand or Sadi Arabia, but to call a European country member of the EEC some dodgy location goes beyond the old think of British that they are the only civilised in the world or that their Passports are top of the list on the most wanted items. How small are this individuals. Great Blogg
I have to make clear that I am not accusing the McCanns, but the frenzy about it and the horrible desappearance of Maddie saddened my country and this is the reason for my curiosity. Excuse 3 typing errors on my previous log.
I don`t think kate mccann killed her little girl. But I think she knows who did. just study the body language.
I wouldn't pay too much attention to the views of a convicted murderer. While he may have experience of committing murder, he has spent too much time around criminals and clearly finds it hard to understand concepts like 'innocent until proven guilty'.
....and a convicted murderer who described killing an old woman with the blunt end of an axe as being like swatting a fly, who doesn't give a shit how the dead womens daughter feels and thinks remorse is middle class.
Nice guy
gerry mccanns` blogs are unbelievable. innocent or guilty, he doesn`t look or sound very bothered about his eldest childs` disapearence. whatever is going on, he`s no doubt the coldest, stone hearted person I`ve ever seen
we`re discussing poor little madeleines` killer, not other murderers. all killers will get their payback one way or another,sooner or later. what goes around comes around, everytime!
Not showing emotion does not mean you don't have them.
kate is obviously pissed off with gerry, why? apart from being a control freak
"I wouldn't pay too much attention..."
Why not?
And who are you to tell who to listen to, anyway?
There are lots of reasons Kate could be pissed off with Gerry. Not taking the rubbish out, not doing the dishes, pressure of their current circumstances, marriage under strain etc.
Doesn't make them innocent or guilty.
98% of parents who's child is murdered split up without them having any involvement in the crime.
he`s acting like some kind of superstar, sorry but he`s not normal. and what about deciding to release balloons well in advance? so sure Madeleine wouldn`t be found by then.
not being 'normal' does not make you guilty of murder.
I`ve heard lots of peope suggest the mccanns are responsible and I`ve always said they couldn`t possibly be. I hope I`m right cos it`s the most sickening thought for them to be guilty. but after all the forensic results I`m not so sure. no smoke without fire. and anyway (I hate to say it)they should NEVER have left 3 babies ALONE, DISGUSTING, SEFISH, STUPID
"not being 'normal' does not make you guilty of murder."
Tell that to Mr Murat.
'Tell that to Mr Murat.'
Why should I? I never said or implied he was guilty and nor would I until such time as he is tried and convicted.
Similarly I wouldn't accuse the McCanns either.
no opinions on the mccann children being left alone then? if we did that at home social services would take the children away
if we did that at home social services would take the children away
Not on a one off basis. What we would look for is evidence of a pattern i.e signs of neglect, other times child has been before deciding how to proceed if at all.
Is it a myth that people have been coming up missing (especially tourists) for many years now? Myth that people are being kidnapped and their organs sold?
I always though they had something to do with this from day one.
I think all this 'Find Madeline' appeal stuff made an excellent smoke screen, how many times has this happened in the past?
Example : A man appears on TV making an appeal and crying and 2 months later charged and convicted.
'Nuff Said!
anonymous 1.05:
I tried the link and only got this response...
Your search - http://www2.b3ta.com/host/creative/51938/1186735842/tut.jpg - did not match any documents.
Itsa link - not a search !
ok, we can`t accuse the mccanns of anything, but how did the blood get in the car they hired after madeleines` disapearence, doesn`t sound good
So if blood has been found in a car hired 25 days after the disapearance where was the body all that time ?? Seems the obvious question to ask to me and as police and journalists were all over the place its pretty unlikley that the parents could have hidden it and then loaded it into the car and driven off.
All this crap about the McCanns being 'normal' is intensely irritating. Fred and Rose West were 'normal' until the police dug up the garden !
The McCanns and particularly Gerry have displayed unbelievable arrogance all along. That they left three young children unattended deserves a prison sentence on its own merit. However, the one single thing that indicates what happened here was the photo taken TWO days after Madeleine disappeared, a HAPPY SMILING family group. These people are as guilty as sin, I just pray that they don't get away with it.
I have suspected the couple for a long time. Now I know I am not alone. The story told by them is too far fetched to be true and their emotional display is so false and pretentious.
I want to give the couple the benefit of the doubt. But what struck me as very odd is the pop star Victoria Beckham quality of the mother's dress, hair, jewellery and make up. Did you see the outfit that she was interviewed by the police for 11 hours in: a tight, white low cut spaghatti strap top with a sexy pink sweater falling off her shoulders that showed her tan, boobs, and slim figure to its best advantage. She had earrings on and perfectly coiffed and highlighted hair. It appears that she could care less about their missing daughter or should get better Public Relations people.
What I want to know is, now that the finger is pointing (allegedly) at the parents, will JK Rowling and Richard Branson want their money back....?
Is there anyone who knows about the differences between portugese law and english law?
I am not sure, but I believe that it impossible to speak anyone guilty of murderer unless the corpse is found, at least according to portugese and continental law.
Perhaps that is different in England, and even the reason that Madeleine "disappeared" in Portugal and not in England.
If that is the case, it could meen that the words "FINDMADELEINE" is just a mean sarcasm. What it really meens is catch us if you can, you can't.
One motive for murderer could be that something went wrong in the clinic where mrs. McCann was made pregnant.
Suppose that the sperms, were mistakenly not those of Mr McCann, but from someone else and that Mr. and Mrs McCann had come to understand that.
Why does Mrs. McCann refuse to answer some of the questions the police is asking? That is clearly the behaviour of someone who has something to hide.
I believe that the portugese police do believe that Madeleine was killed intentionally, and that the talk about a possible accident was a tactic attempt to make Mrs. McCann speak.
However, the woman is clever and perfectly cool, she knows that the nobody never ever be able to proove that Madeleine was killed, since she knows that they never ever will find the corpse.
flavian: The continent operates under the Napoleonic Code of law, whereas England and the US operate under the Common Law system.
In England, it used to be no body no crime. But, I remember reading about the case which changed that. The victim was pushed through a porthole on board a ship and the body was never found. However, the police did find scrapings of skin from around the porthole and this led to a conviction with some other circumstantial evidence.
Perhaps there is a strict no body, no crime principle in Portuguese process law. As you of course know, cases matter less in continental law.
If there is a strict "no-body-no- crime-principle" according to portuguese process law I would get even more suspicious.
flavian: "Provided there is sufficient evidence to justify a trial for murder or manslaughter, the McCanns could even be tried in Britain.
Homicide committed by a British citizen is an offence under English law, even if the alleged killing took place abroad"(Daily Telegraph, 10.10.2007).
some people will do anyting for a bit of attention, and I would sum you up in that category. You obviously need help. Those parents are innocent - i would bet my mortgage on it.
Get a life mate.
Sam: I would go out and buy yourself a tent to live in from now on as you have just lost your mortgage...
"Homicide committed by a British citizen is an offence under English law, even if the alleged killing took place abroad"(Daily Telegraph, 10.10.2007)."
The same is true about Swedish Law and probably about Portuguese law as well.
Does that meen, according to what you believe, that my suspicion that they might have killed her in another jurisdiction for legal reasons is without value?
Flavian: If their purpose was intentional killing abroad, to evade British justice, then they could have failed as the case could be tried here.
But, I don't think it was a pre-planned thing. I am more in favour of Gerry or Kate lashing out in anger, or possibly the result of a drug overdose.
Sam: I would go out and buy yourself a tent to live in from now on as you have just lost your mortgage...
I'd take that bet, raise it and include my car, pension, all my worldly goods, my inheritance.....you get my point yeah?
About Madeline... It may not have been an accidental death but preconcieved. They may have been planning it all along...
There was a similar case three years ago in the south of Portugal where an 8 year-old girl went missing. It turns out the girl was killed by her own mother who was having an incestuous relationship with her brother. They killed the girl and hid the body. Locals say they might have desmembered the body and fed it to the pigs. The truth is that they were both sentenced to prison for murder. If it is confirmed that the McCanns did kill Maddie, if the evidence is strong enough, they might be convicted without a confession and even without a body. Without wanting to get into speculations, I firmly believe both parents are hiding something and Kate's face clearly demonstrates a feeling of remorse and guilt if for nothing else just for the fact her negligence or actions led to Maddie's disappearence.
i dont belive madeleine was taken,at the end of the day the person who was suppose to of taken her ,why choose her? she is older she can talk and is a bit more with it than the babies why not take one of the twins ,if that was the case.I belive she was accidently overdosed .Gerry and Kate need to keep there reputation up so they made up the abduction .I have three children and would never dream of leaving them alone.They deserve to be punished for that from day one ,but that was brushed under the carpet .They have showed no remorse either going around the world meeting every Tom ,Dick and Harry as if there celebrities lapping it all up.Its disgusting,i hope they get was comming to them.
What ever happened to ' innocent until proved guilty ' just about everthing thats been printed is absolute fiction made up to sell papers. Anyone with a modicum of intellegence would realise that as the child was seen early evening and then was missing by 9-30 and the parents were at the restaurant by about 7 pm it would have left the parents about an hour to have committed the deed and hidden the body. The police would have found the body if it was hidden in the church or locally as some have suggested and with temperatures being what they are in Portugal I reckon by time thay are supposed to have collected it in the hire car 20 odd days later anyone within 100 yards would have known about it. These people have been watched every minute of the day since that evening so how in gods name could they have collected the body loaded it in the car and dumped it. If the police know so much then why havent they found the body.
All the portugese police want is to close the case cos they are unable or unwilling to find the child either alive or dead. Remember the little English girl on a school trip to France ? The police in that case were just about as inept and if it had'nt been for her father the murderer would never have been found.
Why dont you all think for yourselves instead of being swayed by headlnes and inuendo. Come on think for yourself and use some intellegence.
The sky is falling...the sky is falling.
It is unbeleivable that people can jump to so many GUILTY conclusions, CSI has a lot to answer for. This is real life not a tv programe with real lives and feelings. Gerry comes from a scottish backgroung where to show your true feeling is a weekness, come on folks look in your heart for the truth.
Why dont they do a lie detector test on gerry and kate. That will give us an answer.
The thing that strikes me as odd, is that they spent what, four or five months out there supposedly looking for madeleine (without even bringing the twins back home), and yet the moment they are named as suspects - WOOSH - straight back home! That's cause for suspicion right there. Secondly, they are making too much of a meal out of being named suspects. If they trully are innocent, you would think they would hand over any "evidence" the police ask for, such as laptops, diaries, etc with a minimum of fuss and with fast expediancy, in order to clear their names asap and get the police back on the correct trail - but the McCann's appear to be more bothered about the fact that they've been asked to provide this evidence and what it does to their reputation. That strikes me as odd. The more fuss they make out of being named suspects, the more I am beginning to suspect them myself. A trully innocent person who has nothing to hide would not mind being treated as a suspect as long as it gets their name cleared and the police back onto the right lines of enquiry - but the McCann's themselves appear to be willing to prolong the investigation further by acting so outraged and coming home the moment they are named as suspects. Something is'nt right here.
P.S I remember from the early days of the investigation (a couple of weeks in), Kate McCann was in the press and said that she knew, or believed that madeleine was still alive. How could she possibly "know" anything of the sort? And would that be her attempt at "leading" the investigation down a particular line of enquiry, or a mother's natural need to believe her daughter was still alive? It's hard to tell. I wonder if any behaviour experts have studied this case - if they havent, I think they will learn alot about cases such as this when/if it is concluded. Let us not forget that the Soham murderer took great pleasure in being in front of news camera's during that investigation - it was his five minutes of fame and a chance to laugh at the whole country whilst presenting himself as a concerned citizen. I dont like the thought of the McCanns being hounded like this if they are trully innocent - but on the other hand, people can be devious and we should'nt let ourselves have the wool pulled over our eyes by people like the Soham murderer again. All angles must be looked at carefully.
It is my belief that no one can make a fair and impartial judgement until all the evidence is produced.It is obvious that there are certain aspects of this case that raise doubts and not far behind those doubts follow the many conspiricy theories!
Throughout this case the one thing that has astounded me is how two (obviously well educated an intelligent) parents, could leave a three year old and two younger children alone in an apartment while they sat in a restaurant! It beggars belief!
Many people have said that the McCanns were being followed by the media on a 24/7 basis so could not have had the oppertunity to move the body; but from what I can tell they were being treated as victims and the media were respecting there calls for privicay. The press only camped on there doorstep once they were made suspects. They had plenty of oppertunity.
And I hope the police have been checking out where the resorts rubbish ends up. It is a sick thought; but these resorts all have many large waste bins which are emptied every morning. Even the McCanns must have used them.
I'm amazed at the way most people have dismissed any form of reasoning and immediatly found them guilty. I can now understand how its possible for people claiming to be normal would be fighting for a ringside seat at public executions. I suspect most of the contributors here would be pushing their way to the front in case they missed anything. And I thought we were civilized, god help anyone if this lot were called for jury service.
I'm amazed at the number of people who have continued think them totally innocent. They have used the meadia through there campaign to set up the situation whereby you dare not criticise them for fear of ridicule or legal action. Not normal. Go on youtube and watch the first official interview by sky then say they are still totally innocent. Watch when asked if they blame themselves, a long pause then she says that the first few days were difficult. An innocent parent would blame themself daily.
I to have had my doubts about the McCanns since day one.
One question that seems to have been lost in the mist of all the pro McCann hysteria in the UK press is why did the Portugese police search their car so thoroughly?
Why are they apparently now interested in the diaries and laptops?
Somewhere along the line something that hasnt made the headlines has made the McCanns come up on the police radar, but what was that? This level of searching does not come off the cuff, particularly in such a high profile and sensitive case.
My two penneth is the "Brand McCann" media fury driven by them is the best attempt at an alabi i have seen for a long time.
Do you notice how the McCann's and every spokesperson on their behalf refers to the allegation that Kate overdosed Maddy then hid her body as "ludicrous". They never say it is not true or a lie or a false statement. They always use the word "ludicrous". It is code for "catch us if you can"
God only knows what the truth is. In the past I often wondered if the accused parents were really killers. System found them to be and the poor souls had no clout, no high ranking friends and little in terms of finance. So, the odds were against them all the way.
This time, however, gameplay is different. Accused are wealthy, upper middle class with very high ranking friends, lot of clout, very intelligent and with plenty of finance. System will have a tough job proving anything.
I will keep an open mind and I hope the truth comes out although I have my doubts. This court as any court relies on a 'show' - truth only seems to come out - in most of the cases.
we had a seance last night using a ouija board, we contacted maddie in the spirit world and she said "mummy I forgive you" .... a bit of a revelation there i think
Well, if newspapers are to believed then I believe it was Times this week where they mentioned British sniffer dogs. It said British sniffer dogs have sniffed corpse in the room, on cuddly toy, on Kate, on hire car, at the church and going towards the beach.
This would suggest the body may have been dumped in the sea. In which case it will never be found unless by some miracle chance. But, the big question is where was it for a whole month. Or could it be that no one was looking for it originally or was there an accomplice!!
I am not too worried about the lack of emotions - I have yet to see a medical professional with emotions. They see death and suffering everyday - they are trained technicians - they become immune and distant to any emotions. The same relationship that the mechanic has with your car. When was the last time you thought garage should have charged you more.
being doctor's and with cronies in that profession it would have been simple for them to enbalm the body using formaldahyde to prevent decay (smell)
They are going to Jail.
They look happy to say there kids gone missing-where's the guilt?They Killed her-murderers-HANG EM-Roast his nuts and make her eat em.
Gerry shows his true colours …
(:Gerry now believes the killer was in the room : )
Missing video that sky only showed part of. See it in full glory and the ” pact ” team as they call themselves. Gerry Mccann swearing f*** off in front of little children
Where are the millionaires backing the finding of the truth regarding the baby's disappearance, whatever it may be? Why are they backing the parents?
I suppose it is convenient that there are tragedies like the McCann case as it gives everyone with nothing better to do a chance to speculate on the lives of others.
I don't know what happened to the kid but I wouldn't mind having a go at Kate
They continued to leave their two twins with creche services after Maddie disappeared. And they continue to leave their kids with babysitters. I'm sorry, but if this happened to me, I would never let my other children out of my sight (at least for a few years.) The McCanns behaviour is unusual.
I think you people are disgusting. These poor people have been looking for their daughter every day for over a year now. They have had to go to sleep each night wondering where in the world their little girl is, whether she is safe or her body is just lying somewhere in the dirt rotting away. Her little brother and sister have had to try and understand this tragedy which we as adults cannot even make sense of. There is no logical reason why Kate would have killed Maddy, why Maddy and not the other two? What does she have to gain from it? We don't know that she is guilty and yes we don't know that she is innocent either. But for god's sake give them the benefit of the doubt!
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