Gerry McCann went into the Portuguese police station yesterday as a witness to answer questions into the disappearance of Madeleine, and emerged as a suspect in the killing and hiding the body of Madeleine. "Kate and Gerry McCann could be charged with the "accidental" killing of their daughter Madeleine after Portuguese police challenged them directly whether they were behind the toddler's disappearance".
It is likely that in the near future Gerry and Kate McCann will both be arrested and charged with offences in relation to Madeleine's death and disappearance.
Given that they are now suspects, I am surprised that the authorities have not moved to ensure the safety of the McCanns 2 year old twins. And, that the findmadeleine fund has not been frozen to ensure that the money is not used for improper purpose or to affect an escape.
Gerry and Kate McCann who intended leaving Portugal on September 11th, the Twin Towers have now come under attack, have decided to stay in Portugal until they clear their names and find Madeleine. There is only one way that they can clear their names and that is to go on trial and be found not guilty. However, it is doubtful that they will achieve this under the circumstances. As to finding Madeleine, I believe the McCanns are best placed to leading investigators to where they have buried Madeleine's body.
This is the most damning evidence against the McCanns: "Throughout the investigation police found no forensic evidence of an intruder in the McCanns' apartment, and there were no consistent witness accounts of a suspect being seen near the apartment at the relevant time, reinforcing the theory that no-one else was involved".
Gerry and Kate McCann were the last people to see Madeleine alive. It is right that the are the prime suspects.
Interesting post from the Durruti Column.
Don't know why I thought that this might happen but it was always in the back of my mind that a little girl 200 yards from her parents doesnt go missing and then her parents hang around unless they have something to do with it.
I quote the case of Ben Needham remember him who disappeared on a Greek island 23 years ago
He was never found either but the family gave up and came home in good time.
There also wasnt the internet and such big media stuff at that time either.
God alone knows what happened to Maddy perhaps we'll never know
Well I most certainly would have stayed there if either of my children went missing. In a bizarre way I would have thought that I didnt want my child to think I had given up and abandoned them.
To be honest, I find it extraordinary that anyone would do otherwise.
There is a definite case of Deja vue here with the shadow of the Lindy Chamberlain case hovering there. You may recall she was convicted because she didnt behave in the way the public thought she should, ie she didnt cry. She found solace in her very strong Adventist faith.There are time when you are in great pain you must hide from it in case you are totally consumed by it and lose control of the whole situation.
Here again we are seeing people condeming the McCanns because they stuck around in the hope that she would come home.
None of us know how he or she will will cope in such a situation but I do know I would like to think I had the dignity and focus that the McCanns have shown They have kept this search at the top of the news. This detour is divertying the police attention for the real search.
Anonymous 1150am. With all due respect, I am not condemning the McCanns for staying 'around', but for how they spent their 'family' holiday i.e. as 39 year olds going on 40, dining out every night with their 'friends', and leaving 2year olds and a 3/4year old, who we now know to have been a sickly child, prone to sleep walking, alone, in an apartment they could not see from the bar, and which was NOT a minute's walk away. And yes, I am disturbed about the welfare of young children with parents who feel the need to spend their eveningS, the plural, wining and dining-whatever fancy name you wish to give-it's still DRINKING; so it was in a TAPAS bar, you still do the same things as you do in a PUB! They lost their daughter when they chose this life style over that of loving care and responsibility, as befits 'good' parenting, to say nothing of 'good mothering'. And yes, I do have my own opinions about this case, but I know that they are ONLY my opinions, therefore I will refrain from putting them on the net. However, all that has been written by me above is FACT.
here, here, I totally agree.
If they are guilty of one thing it's bad parenting.
I holiday abroad twice a year with my three children.
I have twin boys aged three, no way would I go out for even one night, let alone EVERY night, without them!
I either bring them with me and eat early or we have friends back at our apartment and eat in...much safer!!
'THE DIGNITY AND FOCUS!#'**?!"@$%Oh for God's sake! These are obviously the words of a McCann relative. G McCann has admitted giving his kids a sedative, something that many net and other blog writers had already suspected long ago. To give your kids an injectable sedative just because you want to party!? Imagine what an unpleasant holiday those kids had- injection at the end of their days, days which they spent in a creche, with strangers, not with their parents. ARROGANCE AND SELFISHNESS more like...yeah, they're focused all right-focused on Gerry and Kate McCann surviving. Desperate people do desperate things to keep what they have or to gain more than they deserve. The McCanns are well-educated, well-heeled, merciless survivers who are well liked and admired by the British Media, and many in successful British Society.
Finally a step in the right direction... Now all they need to do is find them both guilty and job done.
Okay, I have some questions because it just doesn't seem feasible that the McCann's killed her and then hid her body.
1) How much time elapsed between the McCann’s saying good-bye to their friends on the night Madeline disappeared and Kate's crying out about Madeline’s disappearance? I imagine the McCann’s would have to know the area very well to find a well-hidden location where they could dump, bury or sink the body in a very short period of time before they rushed back to announce her disappearance. Leaving her in the apartment would be stupid as any police force with any competency would be scouring the place for forensic evidence, AND the same would apply to anywhere outside of the property.
2) Assuming the McCann’s found the perfect hiding place (it would have to be good since everyone in the area would be keeping their eyes open for suspicious-looking burial sites re Madeline’s disappearance) how would they manage to get there three weeks later without anyone seeing them? Plus, unless they put her in a deepfreeze, wouldn't the body be beyond handling? And what could they have done with the body once they reclaimed it after 25 days? Surely someone would have seen them.
my conclusion is that,the police in portugal cannot find any evidence to pin point anybody,therefore using the McCanns as scapegoats or either someone has set these poor people up..I also have three children & i am sure if i was to be put in the position they have,i could not have left the country without the hope of finding my child...
Lets hope the truth finally comes out & hope madeleine is still alive because someone obviously knows where this young child is...
The police should have tried harder initially instead of wasting time..
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