Madeleine: Full DNA match 'proves body was in boot of McCanns' hire car'
Sky News Police match Madeleine DNA to hire car.
"The allegation is that the DNA shows a full match of 99%. According to police, it shows the presence of Madeleine's body in the boot of the family's hire car five weeks after she disappeared."
UPDATE: Daily Telegraph report at 12.23AM.
Hmmmm..What surprises me is that this couple have been presented as pillars of the community in the village of Rothley Leicestershire and yet it now transpires that they have only lived there for 18months and for 4 months of that they have been in Portugal........
Where do you get your information from, try as I will I cant find any confirmation to back up the 99% dna allegation
Some minutes ago, in portuguese television, 2 former agents of Policia Judiciairia said that the news of the Sky about "100% match" are a "falsity", because never is a match of 100% in DNA tests.
I don't know if these apply also to a 99% match
oblomov: Click on the blue links in my story, one is from the Daily Mail on line and one is from Sky News on line. The story originates from Portugal in their press. The Portuguese police do not officially comment, unofficially leaks get out.
anonymous: I think that Rothley has more than its fair share of village idiots if they all believe that the McCanns are innocent of any wrongdoing which is what it is claimed by the McCann camp.
miguel madeira: A 99% match is good enough.
"The story originates from Portugal in their press."
No - the portuguese press (or, at leat, the television) is saying that they received these story from the SkyNews
miguel madeira: It could well be that Sky News broke the story, they claimed that they got it from the PJ. From what I gather, when the PJ put it to Kate McCann that it had been found in the boot of the car, it was at this point that she accepted aguida status.
I am very curious about this whole blood thing. I'm familiar with the various ins and outs of DNA testing etc, but there is something I don't understand about the particulars of this case. If it is a 99% likelihood of a match, then obviously that's a good sign. But surely it's massively significant that there's any blood in there at all? I'm pretty sure that when I rent a hire car on holiday, something I rarely do is bleed all over the inside of the boot.
"But surely it's massively significant that there's any blood in there at all"
According to the news, what are in the car is an "organic fluid".
However, possibly what you sad for blood also applies to "organic fluids".
According to newspaper "Diario de Noticias", Kate told to the police that Maddie had an injurie and bleed in the begginig of the vacancies.
An attemp of translation:
The vestiges of blood in the luggage of the Renault Scénic rented by Gerry and Kate McCann, 25 days after the disappearance of Madeleine having disappeared, to the company of rent-a-car Budget, in Faro, belong exactly to the child who the PJ says to be deceased.
The notice was yesterday at the outset of the advanced night for the British television channel Sky News, that cited the Portuguese policy. It guarantees that two of the three vestiges collected for the PJ in the first week of August in that car, and that had been analyzed by the Forensic Science Service, of Birminigham, in the United kingdom, they are “one hundred percent compatible with the genetic profile of Maddie”.
An information that the inspector--head of the Judiciary Policy, Olegário Sousa, contradicts to have been given for this policy. “the PJ is unaware of such situation. Probably, it was the English policy to give the notice to the British canal”, said to the DN, not contradicted, however, the text of the information. The spokesman added that the PJ “last week received great part from the results of the forensic analyses”, being unaware of if already they would have fond of Judiciary the remaining reports.
The first analyses had indicated a similarity of about 80% between the blood found in the luggage of the car rented for the McCann and of the small Maddie. The report of Birmingham indicates now that the ADN found in that viatura is same of the small Maddie. The Portuguese authorities will be convicted that the vehicle will have been used to carry the body from the child. However, the possibility of the ADN to be proceeding from clothes of Madeleine or of the teddy bear from the girl carried in the Renault Scénic. Or of saliva that had been in some toy with which it had much contact and that later they had been carried in the luggage.
A different version
Madeleine: PJ does not have results that disclose that blood is of the child - national director
10 of September of 2007, 23:38
Lisbon, 10 Set (Lusa) - the national director of Polícia Judiciária (PJ), Alípio Ribeiro, affirmed today that the results of the analyses to the collected vestiges do not guarantee that the blood belongs the Madeleine McCann.
In declaration to the program “Prós and Contras”, in the RTP1, Alípio Ribeiro he related that the PJ received the results from “some of these analyses”, carried through in a laboratory in Birmingham, that “do not give to this reply exact so as today it appeared in the English press”, advancing that they allow “to direccionate the inquiries”.
The national responsible of the PJ today reacted thus the advanced notice at night for the edition on-line of the Telegraph periodical, that it affirmed to exist a “correspondence of 100 percent” with Madeleine McCann of the found samples of ADN in the car rented for the parents and in the busy apartment for the family.
“In none of these examinations if it can say with this degree of guarantee that the blood is of or B”, it advanced, affirming still to be “speculative” the notice of that the body of the girl was in the car rented for the couple.
The director-national of the Judiciary Policy still moved away to the possibility from alteration of the measure of applied coercion the Kate and Gerry McCann, who had been friday constituted arguidos, having been under the term of identity and residence.
“I do not see as previsible. I do not see necessity of alteration of the measures of coercion”, said Alípio Ribeiro, pointing out however that this is a decision of the Public prosecution service, “who has folloied all the inquiry”.
“The Public prosecution service keeps an open colloquy [with the PJ]. It knows step-by-step everything what it is fact”, said.
Alípio Ribeiro considered despite it would have been “immoral” to consider the parents of Madeleine suspects since the beginning of the process, remembering that the hypothesis more investigated initially was of abduction.
The responsible one devaluated the fact of the couple to have returned sunday England.
“The couple could absent itself, absented itself. We cannot consider as being or not excellent for the inquiry. It was a right that attended to them”, still related.
Alípio Ribeiro denied “categoricamente” to exist any pressures politics of the governments English or Portuguese, advancing that this last one has kept “an alive interest” in uncurling of the process.
The national director of the PJ underlined that it is a process “that demands time, patience and caution” for being a “case complex” and given its strong mediatização, for what “has to dominate the serenity of the actuação of the policy”.
On the criticals to the actuação of the Portuguese policy, that has gone up of tone in the last days in the English press, Alípio Ribeiro detached that the PJ “is conducted for European standards, works with great deontological severity and respects all the people, independently of what they can or not to have done”.
“The English public opinion will go to understand this more early or later”, underlined, reiterating the good contribution with the British policy, with who exists “daily contacts”.
“We have excellent relations, opened, frank and loyal”, it said.
It's almost as if they released that poor quality mobile phone video of Madeleine falling on the plane's steps and possibly grazing her leg, in anticipation of future events. It certainly provided no help in identifying Madeleine
thank you for translating these reports for us.
One of the reasons the British people and press have been so critical of the PJ and so supportive of the McCanns is because as Brits, most do not have the ability to think other than as a British person.
For example, it would not occur to them that Kate McCann was lying when she said that the PJ had offered her a deal. To them this was "proof" that she was being set up. Those who support the McCanns are either unable or do not want to feel threatened by looking a little closer, or deeper, or even to ask the Portuguese how things are viewed there. Because to do so would mean they would have at some point to perhaps admit they have been wrong and British people see being wrong as unacceptable which in turn leads to dishonesty in many areas in people's lives - the breakdown of family life, social tensions, a lessening of values, etc.
The British people would rather allow themselves to be misinformed, than to consider that not taping an interview has any other explanation that the PJ being bungling. It simply does not occur to them that there could be a much better, more solid reason for writing things down. This fact certainly made me think about how we do things here. What may appear as "backward" suddenly seems like a very good idea and one worth considering for our judiciary.
By visiting this blog, at least you can see that some of us have doubts and suspicions and have done so since the beginning; but one of our problems has been finding somewhere to express those doubts. Here in the UK, if you google the McCanns' names, most of the time, what you get is the rubbish that the British press print. The Portuguese reports come up also but how to access them?
It is only by being persistent and by continuing to do more "creative" searches on the McCanns, that one is able to find a more open, honest and dare I say it - reliable - site in order to give and receive ideas, thoughts and often, facts.
As a British person, it embarrasses me the way Portugal/Portuguese are being portrayed by our media.
Thank you again for your efforts.
The thing is, could that dna match have come from either one of her toys or more obviously a hairbrush that could have been thrown in the boot. Who hired the car when madeleine is missing, this should definately be followed up. So far the police have been lax to say the least. If someone is accused of killing a child you dont let them go home to tell the other person accused all about what happened! This investigation is all over the place. You can't definately say the parents have killed their daughter, the last thing is when would they have moved the body? Everybody was watching them with scrutiny. Everything just doesn't add up!
There's one more thing, everyone's saying that they probably killed her, but why would they do that? They couldn't have children and went for IVF. Why kill something so precious to you, then there's the accident theory... come on, if you killed your child by accident would you be able to hide her then a few weeks down the line bury something you love so much??? only a cold blooded killer could do that not a mother who accidently killed her child. I feel the McCanns are guilty of neglect for leaving them alone at the most!!!
I understand they had only a 15 out of 20 strain of DNA match and therefore not a complete match.
If they did over sedate Maddy where did the blood come from?
Bodily fluids yes but not blood.
Surely if, as you have stated, it was a 99% match then they would have been charged immediately and not allowed to return.
anon 4.54: They came back before the results were clarified.
ummm sorry agree with anon 4.54, I feel that the portugese police would have known the exact strain of the DNA when they let the McCann's go, they had the full results by then, so why let them leave the country if they're guilty of such a crime. It's madness, you just wouldn't do it. Obviously they have the DNA match, but I feel they don't have much else or they would have charged them.
Mary, if I'm right, the police can't charge them without permission from a judge. The file has to go to one before anything can happen. Plus, and again if I'm right, with the UK and Portugal both being in the EU, getting them back shouldn't be a problem. That's probably why they've hired Caplan QC - to see if there is any way they can avoid going back. After all, criminal law isn't actually his speciality...
I just feel for the McCanns, everyone is quick to judge them and to say they're guilty without really knowing what evidence the Portugese police have! They've already lost their daughter and now this. Can you imagine what they would have done if it had of been me and my husband, I'm a shop assistant not a doctor, I would have been sentenced and the key chucked away! They are now saying her diary says the children were hard to handle and madeleine was very active. So what! I've said that millions of times about my kids it doesn't mean I'd murder them! And all this rubbish about giving them calpol, millions of british parents have given their kids calpol, you can buy it over the counter, my kids have had it. What's the big deal!!! I'm not being funny but people listening to all this rubbish and think its right need to wake up and live in the real world I would say 90% of british parents have said their kids are a handful at times, and the majority have given them calpol, it's even priscribed by the doctor! Have you read on Sky news about the 8 year old that was abducted a few years back a few miles away from were madeleine went missing this case had many similarities to the Madeleine case. And surprise surprise, her mum and uncle were convicted of murder, with no body or weapon! They were tortured to get confessions. Pictures of the mum heavily bruised were in the papers. I think the police are putting it all on the parents to close the case because they've been so sloppy. I'm glad the McCann's are getting their own forensic tests done, this will be interesting!!! Sorry but I have no confidence in the Portuguese police especially after reading how they treated the mum who lost her 8 yr old daughter they could do what they wanted to her as she was a portugese citizen, she should be freed from prison too, because she's been put there by a bunch of keystone cops!! I can honestly say even if I WON a holiday there now, I wouldn't go!!!!
By the way that last statement was by me Mary again, I hate being anonymous but I forgot me password!!! Anyway that last statement wasn't against the portugese people, because they're wonderful and I know a fair few people from portugal who live in my town and they are the nicest people you could meet. But the methods the police use are rubbish. When they took Kate McCann in and said they were questioning Gerry the next day, then let her out that night I thought they'd lost the plot. They should have taken them in together, if they'd thought that they had killed their daughter. Not give them time to have a coffee and a chat later!!! It's all mad and it all doesn't add up.
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