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Monday, March 17, 2008

Man charged with Shannon kidnap

Man charged with Shannon kidnap

"A man who was found by police in a flat with a missing nine-year-old schoolgirl has been charged with kidnapping and false imprisonment".

I wonder, just wonder, if there is not more to this case than meets the eye? Perhaps, a McScam-type operation?


Anonymous said...

Very strange that the Police will not let the Girl be reunited with her "family".

Very strange that the "family" are not kicking up a huge rumpus to get their child home.

Barnacle Bill said...

It was almost mentioned as a throwaway line in one news report I saw last night of a suspected scam.
So yes John I do feel there is more to this than meets the eyes.
Probably saw how much loot the McGuiltys were raking in!