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Thursday, March 13, 2008

MPs £100 per week snouts in the trough

MPs £100 per week snouts in the trough

It has emerged that checks designed to put an end to MPs fiddling their expenses will not extend to having to produce receipts to justify the £400 they claim each month for food allowance.

I get £55 per week Job Seekers Allowance. This has to cover food, gas and electric and any other household expenses. I find it deplorable that MPs grant themselves twice this much just for food per week. And, then do not have to prove that they have actually spent this money on food.

Every penny of taxpayers money should be accounted for by these thieving bastards. It is not good enough to claim that it is not practicable to provide receipts. If they are not prepared to provide receipts then they should not be able to claim the expenses. It is time that this licence to rob us blind was revoked.

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