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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Nick Clegg: Let voters sack corrupt MPs

Nick Clegg: Let voters sack corrupt MPs

Before:"MPs caught misusing public money should face by-elections where constituents would have the chance to sack them, the Liberal Democrat leader told his party conference today".

After: Voters sack the corrupt MPs.


Barnacle Bill said...

Spot on John!

jailhouselawyer said...

barnacle bill: It annoys me that they can claim £100 per week in expenses without the need for receipts, and this is double what I get in benefits.

Never mind no ifs no buts in relation to benefit fraud. What about no ifs no buts in relation to expenses fraud?

Barnacle Bill said...

Fully agree with you John, and as for these nutters who sprout this nonsense we should pay them more ...
Minimum wage and state education for their offspring, then we might see some real policies!

Catchthebudgie said...

Everyone has a different take on politics. It's a gut feeling, experience or dislike. These idiots do not represent anyone but themselves.

Some MPs are obviously good and honest.But how can a person with directorships have the right to be in parliament.

Politics is about retaining power and not dealing with the issues.

Our current system is cracking at the seams and we need a change.