The man in the baseball cap clearly has black hair at the back which also appears thick and straight.
On the other hand, Al-Megrahi's hair is grey, thinner and crinkly.
There is also the question of how the walking stick changed from brown to a silver-topped black cane.
The one thing they have in common is a brown spot inside the left ear in roughly the same place.
The disguise of a white baseball cap and jogging outfit is a puzzle John...I fail to see the reason behind it...I am looking for a picture of what he had on his feet in this outfit cannot seem to find one.
His arrival in a business mans suit seems perfectly acceptable to me...As you say the hair is also a puzzle...
Megrahi walked unaided up the steps of the plane that
flew him back to his homeland. He wore a white shellsuit, trainers and a Nike baseball cap and tried to keep his face covered with a scarf.
He occasionally used a walking stick and clutched his prison release papers. Three dark-suited Libyan officials walkedbehindhim.
He arrived in Tripoli just before8pm UK time andwaswelcomedbyahugecrowd.
These three dark suited officials that walked behind him...did they board the plane? would like to take a look at them again.Any photos of them John or any links ,thanks.
I thought it was a stand in as soon as I saw who came off the plane. I think that the Scots did not dare to see an execution by way of bullet from a distance so some poor sod drew the short straw to walk up the steps to the plane and become Megrahi's stand in.
Hi Devonshire Dumpling, one makes a pretty good target dressed in white without a bodyguard in sight. I have been trying to work out the time Megrahi left for Lybia and the thought crossed my mind he was either already on the plane before as you rightly say (this poor sod) boarded. Or he had already arrived in Lybia a couple of days before and it is that footage shown on our screens. It is a roughly 3 1/2 hour flight. In the footage we see of his arrival' it is pitch black. Being summertime and checking timelines again depending on the time he left it should have been just getting dark, on the footage it is pitch black.
Love him or hate him :Littlejohn does have a wicked sense of humour. I liked the description of Brown,,petty,pointscoring, partisan, pygmy.
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