The Lockerbie bomber is to be released on compassionate grounds, the Scottish Government has announced.
Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, 57, was jailed in 2001 for the atrocity which claimed 270 lives in 1988.
Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill revealed that the Libyan, who has terminal prostate cancer, would be allowed to return to his homeland.
I think it was a shame that Kenny MacAskill at the press conference took half an hour to say what had to be said in about a minute. The BBC 1 O' Clock News stayed with him for about 13 minutes before leaving him still waffling on to cover the other news before returning to report on the nitty gritty.
Considering the narrow ground upon which the release was granted, ignoring the political pleas from the US, I think no amount of words would have convinced the Yanks it was the right decision therefore Kenny MacAskill should have saved his words and breath and left the pandering to American feelings out of his long winded speech.
I couldn't help but notice that the tie worn by Kenny MacAskill bore a striking resemblance to the rebel Dixie flag...

Lockerbie bomber returns to Libya

The Lockerbie bomber has left Scotland on board a plane bound for Libya after being freed from prison on compassionate grounds.

I have reservations that the photos above are actually those of Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi getting onto the plane, the attempt at disguise would suggest that this is actually a stand in.
You are correct. 99% of his speech was justifying his decision to the Americans.
Bloody hard to believe that his decision was taken on compassionate grounds alone though, considering Tony Blair's British gas's and BP's involvement with Gadaffi and Libya in recent times.
This probably explains Straw's sudden about turn on releasing Ronnie Biggs on compassionate grounds. Get Biggs out of jail before the Libyan terrorist is set free.
anon 2.17: I wrote an article for the Guardian Comment is free, in which I pointed out it would not look good for Jack Straw if the Libyan was freed on compassionate grounds and Biggs was not.
Now he'll have to meet his Maker to account for his actions.
I think you are right John..Megrahi has very olive skin and Afro type hair...In this close up you have the hair is straight and the skin white with a pink hue on the cheeks. Shame we cannot see the ear lobe Megrahi has an unusual lobe on the left side.
Just been reading up on prostate cancer, even in the final stages a person can live as long as 15 years..it says that usually they die from another cause. I guess that means spreading to another organ. (No pun intended)
I wouldn't trust Big Brother especially with a bloke who covers his face up. Hey! that's just me, but I'm daft as a brush! NOT
THAT ISN'T HIM. THAT ISN'T HIM. What the fuck are they trying to pull?
The one in the white suit is walking unaided , also no need of walking stick that changed colour by magic on his arrival. Seems also that this chap may be left handed as said stick on boarding is in left hand.Weird...have no idea whats going on but Have Your Say in the newspapers have had more comments than in the beginning of the Mccanns.
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