Chappaquiddick killer,Edward Kennedy, dies of cancer. If you go to heaven, one of the angels guarding the gate with St Peter is Miss Mary Jo Kopechne. Quite apart from the rough treatment you doled out to her, there is the recent lack of mercy shown by you to a fellow cancer sufferer. Therefore, may you rot in hell!
This would make a good coffin...

Mary Jo was just 29 years old..He also meddled in the alleged rape involving his nephew William Kennedy. Not to mention aiding with financial support for the IRA...
It's interesting that you show no mercy, and you've done time yourself. I show no mercy, and I used to drink a lot. AND I am a fourth-generation Irish-American, AND there was a JFK portrait on my grandmother's wall.
Us reformed-types are tough customers. ;)
Wonderful post... if only the USA weren't filled with such Kennedy worship, we might hear more of this.
Daisy: Oh, but I do show mercy, for example my posts in support of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi's release from prison. I am a hard judge, I felt Kennedy was allowed to get off light and therefore justice was cheated. I think we're tough because we've been there and dispense with the bullshit, but we're also fair. I liked JFK and Robert. For me, I would like to see Bush and Blair up on war crimes. I did note that my post topped Google's Obituaries for Ted Kennedy:-)
I agree with you. There was nothing to admire about the man.
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