MPs' expenses: Politicians granted legal aid
Three politicians accused of fiddling their expenses have won a bid to get the public to pick up their legal bill.
This is adding insult to injury!
Conservative leader David Cameron said granting legal aid to the MPs was a "complete outrage" and promised to review the system.
Ben Gunn, General Secretary of the Association of Prisoners, said "When legal aid is being restricted for the most marginalised and disposessed in society, that our very well paid elite are handed taxpayers money with such equanimity is truly astounding. It heaps insult on top of contempt".
According to Elkan Abrahamson of Jackson & Cantor (solicitors) Liverpool, Legal Aid has been denied to Ben Gunn to challenge the government's failure to implement the Hirst v UK(No2) decision to extend the franchise to convicted prisoners.
How to take the piss, eh?
Fecking typical that they got Southwark Crown Court, one of the few CCs not using the means test for Legal Aid!
I wonder if the Strawman was instrumental in them ending up in that particular CC?
I agree it can be seen as a "piss take." But let's consider something. Many of us flat refuse to join the "baying masses" for the simple reason we have seen the damage, miscarriages of justice that can result from our broken Criminal Justice System.
Whatever it is these men may have done, they have every right to a robust defence and I simply will not join the Daily Mail brigade in crying, "FOUL!" Means tested Legal Aid is a system rife with inconsistencies and I have to be honest here, I agree with them utilising Legal Aid, whatever their financial status.
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