I defy anybody to find a link between this post by Verity and the original post by bel is thinking the blogger: # Verity Says:
April 13th, 2007 at 11:18 pm
I forgot to mention that I never comment on any thread on which the axe murderer of an old lady (Shit House Lawyer)has commented previously, except if there’s a cordon sanitaire of at least four other posts.
Newmania jumps into the affray with this comment: # newmania Says:
April 16th, 2007 at 12:15 pm
Add me to the list of absentees Bel . I also have a conscience ( Although I usually get round it….. ) I disagree with your views profoundly.
Newmania then went and left this comment on Ron Knee's Rants and Raves blog: Newmania said...
Before starting on Verity I would find a bit about Jail House Lawyer. You have entirely misread the situation and made yourself look both pompous and foolish .I don`t , myself , think reference to mano a mano confrontation is very appropriate to a woman either .
I hope this is not typical , if I were you I would return and apologise.
9:20 PM
So, I visited the lion's den and left this comment:
jailhouselawyer said...
Jailhouselawyer v Newmania "I'm normal". Stop deluding yourself you Tory Prat.
1:27 PM
Newmania said...
You are not welcome here Jailhouse Lawyer. Please go away and do not address me again, I will certainly endevour to avoid you.
2:03 PM
jailhouselawyer said...
Newmania: If you are trying to avoid me then why are you attacking me via other people's blogs? I've brought the fight home to you. Either put up or shut up.
3:02 PM
Who gives a fuck whether Verity forgot to mention that it never comments between itself and four comments between what it legally and morally falsely accuses me of being? The comment was out of place, and whatever it thinks about me it should either keep its thoughts to itself or it can start up a blog itself and give it an identity rather than hiding behind the label Verity, which in this case is far from the truth.
Anybody believing that the Tories have changed only have to read this shit put out by Verity and Newmania. Perhaps, Newmania might like to justify the link in his side bar to the racist and homophobic The Hitch?
Let me clarify a point for you all. There is no legal or moral authority allowing attacks upon me for a price paid to society. These so-called moral debt collectors are owed nothing. And they will get nothing more out of me. I know why they are feeling uncomfortable, it is because they know that I am now in a position to judge. And, they don't like that. Well, tough shit. There is let he who has not sinned cast the first stone, and people in glass houses should not throw stones.
UPDATE: Bel is Thinking has now suspended any further comments on this particular thread. And, the Tory blogger Newmania has suffered from Iain Dale deleting commentsitas. It just goes to show that the Tory blogger can dish it out but not take when it is dished back at them. Hardly the kind of stern stuff that governments are made out of. I will predict that they will not get into office this side of the 2012 olympics!
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Oh, sorry. I thought for a moment that I was back on newmania's blog.
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