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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sex romp MP claims that size matters, and that Teenies are better...

And, there I was thinking that he had apologised for an indiscretion...

1 Comment - Show Original Post

Angus MacNeil said...

I think you'll find that is Size does matter ... and teeny is better.

I'm proud to say I also have a teeny turn out for votes at 45% - well below average - and have a very disappointing record on delivery of replies to correspondence.

All fessed up. Hallelujah!

11 April, 2007 08:53


Chris Paul said...

That was a comment on my post and I doubt it was Angus himself that placed it there. The girl's band is called Teine which means "Fire" in Gaelic and may perhaps be pronounce teeny? He's been playing with fire anyway.

What were the girls up to is my question. Some kind of potty PR stunt for their CD? Gone wrong.

jailhouselawyer said...

You are right it is a comment on your post, the link takes anyone there. I thought it was brazen of him to make such a comment.

I wondered if it was a publicity stunt for their CD as well.

I have made an inquiry in relation to the band you mentioned doing prison gigs. And will get back to you when I hear something.

Anonymous said...

I think that you can read the whole truth of the story HERE .

Anonymous said...

Girls love politicians. And may I take this opportunity to announce the birth of my new political party, the "Free booze and Pizza For Nubile Girls Party"

We have just ousted the BNP in Dagenham on this issue. Fuckem.