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Friday, July 06, 2007

Is Iain Dale ready to defect?

It would appear that the failed Tory 'A' List candidate for Norfolk, Iain Dale, who is a blogger and writes Iain Dale's Diary, appears to have become disillusioned with the same old Tory Party even allowing for a new leader. For example, he states:

"...leopards do not change their spots and politicians who try to be something they patently are not get found out. Cameron's strategy...".

Perhaps, Iain is upset that David Cameron has endorsed Tony Lit to become a Tory MP who was not even a member of the Tory Party 7 days before he was selected for Ealing Southall and does not even live in the area?

In any event, it is doubtful that Labour will find Iain Dale a safe seat even in the little boy's room...

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