According to Prat Tory in a post on his blog he claims that this is the riskiest blog entry he has seen a MP post. As Prat Tory points out, he is not a lawyer, and his advice certainly supports this. He should stick to topics he knows about if there are any he can claim expertise in. My view is that by Prat Tory implying that Bob Piper has been suspended is the riskiest blog entry I have ever seen a Tory post.
UPDATE 17.50: BTW, has anyone else noticed that Lit is at the heart of PoLitics?
Ministry of Truth states "Let’s face it, as a wannabe spin doctor Praguetory is a quack and unfit to be considered a halfwit".
He's clutching at straws, John. As for what he published about me.... am I bovvered? He wound everyone up in that instance too. He was reporting me to all and sundry, winding people up about how offensive Unity's image was, only to find that most people's reactions, particularly Tories, was to tell him to grow up.
Frankly, I don't bother with him, and I think he only uses me to try to hark back to those times he thought he was having his Andy Warhol moment. Sad really... but who gives a damn?
He's certainly barking up the wrong tree with the Tom Watson post.
There are statutory reporting processes that deal with the sensitive topic of political contributions for a reason. I see no justification for these processes being short-circuited. As mentioned on my post there are several legal recourses that may be available as a result of this blog post.
Dominic Fisher loves to go on about other people breaching codes of conduct, while advertising for astroturfers on his blog and bragging about his plans to mount anonymous attacks upon his opponents.
When I outed him as the author of Praguetory he told me I was in breach of netiquette, even though he carries banner proudly proclaiming his blog to be a 'voluntary code [of practice] free zone'. All rather pathetic really.
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