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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Hate 'Em All Hari and The Great Firewall of China

According to Dizzy Thinks Johann Hari and the lawyers from The Independent have tried to censor this from Harry's Place.

Click on the image to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

Hes a bit late on this one, I found out about this spate days ago.

The lawyers got involved as David T had accused him of making things up. Its part of an escalation in an argument between now former friends.

Its quite sad, but funny how the pro-war left after smearing the anti-war left as saddam supporters, failed to acknowledge the disaster that is the Iraq war are now tearing each other apart...splitter.

jailhouselawyer said...

zinzin: I agree, I think that Dizzy Thinks is a bit slow upstairs. I only posted it because I have no money and it is not worth the lawyers trying to sue me. I don't know the rights and wrongs of it.

Anonymous said...

As kissinger said of the Iran-Iraq war, I hop they both lose.