The McCanns try to steal money from the findmadeleinefund
"McCanns in plan to use £1m 'Find Madeleine' fund to help clear their name"
This takes the biscuit. The McCanns are planning to steal money from the findmadeleinefund to pay for the lawyers fees to defend themselves against the charges that they killed Madeleine. I remember when Gerry McCann first said he was going to start a fighting fund, I wondered why because it is normally only political parties and campaign groups who need a fighting fund. Now we know what was behind it all along. He said he was setting it up to give people who wanted to help a way of doing so financially, to make them feel better. I bet they are feeling sick now at hearing this. "Mr McCann said: "It seems like a disaster that we've got this huge donated fund and now we're not allowed to use it for legal costs because we're under suspicion. I never really imagined we'd be in this situation". The Madeleine Fund's main objective is to "secure the safe return of Madeleine".
But it also allows for the provision of support, including "financial assistance". If he never imagined he would be in this position why insert the clause which allows them to dip into it to try and save their skins?
I hope that somebody or the government mounts a legal challenge to freeze the fund to stop it being abused in this manner.
Jeez, you really seem to hate this couple, how come?
As is apparent in the comment I left on your "McCanns get Special Branch treatment" entry I think they could be guilty, but nobody knows for sure yet... How come you are so vitriolic in your attacks on them?
John - astounding, but then I cannot say I'm surprised. However, at the same time I'm confused as to why they'd need to touch this money. If they were going to be tried on criminal charges they would get legal aid, and the top defence QCs in the country would be itching to get involved in it. So it looks like they need it to pay Caplan to prevent them having to go back to Portugal at all.
david 8.06: I don't hate the McCanns. I just believe their version of events doesn't stand up to scrutiny. I hold it against them that they neglected and/or abandoned their children for hours whilst they went out boozing and a meal. They have been painted as the beautiful, loving, caring, couple. Scratch the surface and a different picture emerges.
I do not like your stance on the McCanns, but I have to agree with you that it would be pretty despicable if they used the money to defend themselves, when it was supposed to be exclusively used to find a missing child.
rumbold: My stance on the McCanns is legitimate and within acceptable bounds. What they did is not. The fund was a con from the start, they have already spent £70,000 of it on their PR image. "The Madeleine Fund's main objective is to 'secure the safe return of Madeleine'". Unless it was a fake kidnapping requiring paying a gang of kidnappers to get her back, the McCanns knew it would not secure the safe return of Madeleine.
They are despicable people. They are not beautiful people. They are cold and calculating and unscrupulous. They have misjudged the media, the police and the people.
To begin with there was only a few cynical voices speaking out against them. They played upon peoples emotions and got many to donate money to what they believed was a good cause.
I saw through them. Perhaps you will given time. I didn't get carried along on a sea of emotion. I reserved mine for Madeleine and not the parents, they made the mistake of believing their own publicity.
What happened to Madeleine?
I don't know why, but I have had a sneaking suspicion that part of this 'fund' was supposed to have been used as an inducement to keep the rest of the McCann group and other family members onside, with the group who were at the resort 'paid' to give the right statements to the police (or change their statement as necessary), and members of the family at home given payments as rewards for slagging the police off etc with each statement designed to cause a little bit more confusion to the issue
Still its nice to know that Felicity Lowde, the internet stalker is now out of prison, back in Whitechapel and thinks that Kate McCann is innocent - http://fjlathome.blogspot.com/2007/09/beggaring-belief.html#links
For those who think it is alright for the McCanns to use the fund they created to defend themselves, think about this:
1. That fund was for finding their daughter. That is the #1 objective- to secure the safe return to her family of Madeleine McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd May 2007
2. If Madeleine wasn't kidnapped and her parents fatally injured her, they knew two weeks before the fund was created that the #1 objective was a lie. That is fraud.
3. The monies for the fund were donated, in a large part, by school children, pensioners and good-hearted people who care about finding Madeleine. I seriously doubt that many of these people would be so keen on giving the money to the parents for hiring attorneys.
4. Any money collected in the fund should be returned to those who donated it if they are unhappy with it being spent on attorneys. If the money isn't going to be spent according to the fund guidelines, it should be reimbursed in the best way possible.
Amy R.
New York, NY, USA
When considering whether proposed payments are reasonable, the directors consider donor intentions in addition to the Fund’s objects.
Perhaps a few donors should make their intentions known to the directors.
I am right with you on your stance - I too saw through the McCanns from a very early time - they have not ONCE admitted they that they were wrong to leave 3 small children alone in an apartment in an a foreign country - and from that moment they have milked the media for all its worth - I was sickened to see the McCanns granted a meeting with the pope , and our media's kid gloves approach to them is simply unbelievable - I think they are guilty of murdering Maddy - the abduction theory just does not add up - but like in any case they are innocent until proven guilty and the McCanns may be evil but they sure are smart - what the police really need is the body of poor Maddy to be found to really incriminate the parents beyond reasonable doubt - I wonder if this was the first time the McCanns had visited htis part of Portugal ? If they been before they may visited a spot where it was conceivable to hide/bury a body ? Maybe the McCanns big mistake was leaving in such a hurry on Sunday - now the police can go about their business in Portugal without the media circus following them - maybe soon the body will turn up.
Charity News Alert
Maddy’s Fund rejection story ‘misreported’ says Commission
Gareth Jones
The Charity Commission has denied a report in The Times newspaper that it refused to award charitable status to the fund set up by the parents of missing child Madeleine McCann to finance the international search effort.
The Commission was quoted in the article as saying the money raised was not for the “wider public good”, but has told Charity News Alert the story had been “misreported”.
“We were first approached for our advice about the possibility of a fund to assist the parents’ search on Monday 14 May,” explained a spokeswoman for the Commission. “We held discussions with the family’s lawyers and in the end they decided not to pursue that route.”
Since the disappearance of Madeleine from a holiday villa in the Algarve, Portugal, on 3 May, the story has captured the public’s sympathy and filled column inches in both the tabloids and the broadsheets. The search fund, known as Madeleine’s Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned, has so far raised over £184,000 from the public and businesses.
Excellent, John. That photo says it all.
It is disgusting that they continue to beg for money that they can use anyway they please.
Find justice for Madeleine.
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