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Monday, April 07, 2008

Drug dog suspended for duck death

Drug dog suspended for duck death

"A prison sniffer dog has been suspended from his post after allegedly killing a group of ducks at a Lancashire jail".

I suppose to a dog, crack and quack sound the same?

1 comment:

vagabondblogger said...

OMG! Doesn't the British government use the same dog I have as a pet - an English Springer Spaniel? You HAVE to be kidding? (No, I know. I read the article.)

If it's a Springer, who are they kidding? My dogs (we've had 3) chase things that move, and when they make weird, you know, duck-like sounds, it's even more enticing! They ARE bird dogs.

I would love to know the breed, but I'm sorry, I'm still laughing.