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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jail for phone death crash driver

Jail for phone death crash driver

A driver who caused the deaths of two men, after he bent down to pick up a mobile phone, has been jailed for six years at the High Court in Edinburgh.

That 6 years is halved with good behaviour in prison, 3 years is 18 months for each death. It's not very much is it? In my view, a car in the wrong hands is every bit an offensive weapon as is a gun or knife. Life is cheap. Either they need to raise the stakes in this kind of case, or lower the tariffs in cases of murder and manslaughter. A dead body is a dead body. And yet, it is almost acceptable to kill someone with a car when the courts only slap your wrists. Lord Ahmed's case shows just what a travesty the law is when justice takes second place to mobile phones.

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