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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tory prat David Cameron does not know whether he owns 2 or 4 houses

Tory prat David Cameron does not know whether he owns 2 or 4 houses

Two homes no four homes I don't know how many homes David Cameron...

According to David Cameron “Do not make me sound like a prat for not knowing how many houses I’ve got.”

We don't need to make you sound like a prat when you do such a good job of it yourself!


white rabbit said...

He also thinks his wife is 'unconventional' apparently - because she went to a day school...

Time to beat my head against the wall.

James Higham said...

something strange here. If I click on the Mybloglog, it comes here. If I click on your url, it goes to an orange coloured blog.

AnonOfTheAbove said...

David Cameron is such a prat and well done you for using such a fantastic picture of him pulling his best date rape face!

I do hope that some kind of intervention prevents him from being PM, like the Queen just says, "No way gammon face!"...