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Saturday, January 09, 2010

Female judge says its ok to have sex with underage girl

Female judge says its ok to have sex with underage girl

Soldier spared jail for sex with 13-year-old after judge ruled 'she made the running'

A judge spared a former Household Cavalry soldier after saying that the 13-year-old schoolgirl he had sex with "made all the running."

Whilst it is accepted that some girls at 13 do actively seek sex with an older man, this is being portrayed as the horse being led to drink by the groom. He was specifically told beforehand to be careful because the girl was under age. He led the girl to his room. He had a girlfriend with a daughter 2 years older than the girl he had unlawful sexual intercourse with. It beggars belief that the judge claimed the man acted stupidly rather than with malice, when the element of malice is not required for this offence and is totally irrelevant to the issue.


John Moore said...

In what way did she say it was 'ok'? Did she find him not-guilty? What good would a prison sentence have served in this case? Overall a positive outcome with a judge with the courage not to just send a person to prison to please the Daily mail et al.

jailhouselawyer said...

Whose Crime: She is making excuses for him. It's the bringing in of irrelevant aspects like malice. I don't say he should have been imprisoned. I just think the judge's excuses are a bit weak.

Dikl said...

"tange"! The Judge's opinion was influenced by her own pubescent impressions on older men. Nuff said.