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Friday, May 06, 2011

Why David Cameron will be even more physically iller

Why David Cameron will be even more physically iller

"The CJEU upholds the Union’s founding principles such as the rule of law and respect for human rights, values common to all the Member States" (Article 2 TEU).

For example, it is a rule of law that Member States abide by ECtHR judgments, and respect convicted prisoners human right to vote.

Member States must also abide by Treaty obligations.

"The Court can impose heavy fines on a Member State for failure to comply with a Treaty obligation. For example, in the case of the UK, this could result in a daily penalty of between €13,194 and €791,640 [£701,923.7]. The basic lump sum which could be suggested against the UK would be €10,995,000 [= £9.74894028m]".

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