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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Most influential Right-wingers in UK

Most influential Right-wingers in UK

Iain Dale the Tory blogger has failed to get on a list of the top 100 most influential people on the Right of British politics today.

Other bloggers such as Guido Fawkes and Tim Montgomerie manage to get a mention. There are some odd entrants such as Nick Clegg and Shami Chakrabarti of Liberty.


Anonymous said...

I notice that the byline on the Telegraph story includes the name Iain Dale. Are they, by any chance, related?

jailhouselawyer said...

One and the same. Still, it hasn't stopped him voting for himself before.

Iain Dale said...

You are a month behind the times. This story was published on 3 October. I compiled the list with Brian Brivati with the advice of 10 other people. All those involved were excluded from inclusion in the list.

jailhouselawyer said...

Iain: I got it from yesterday's Daily Telegraph, although I admit I did not check the date of the story. I do seem to recall seeing something about this awhile back. I suspected the reason for your absence might have something to do with the reason you have given.

Iain Dale said...

The story in the Telegraph yesterday was the Top 100 Conservatives in the USA. I think you clicked on the wrong link.

jailhouselawyer said...

Iain: I could well have done. As its an old story now, I'll let it rest in peace.