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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The ventriloquist's dummy

The ventriloquist's dummy

Amid all the pomp and ceremony of the annual State Opening of Parliament, the Queen delivered her Government-written speech to members of both Houses of Parliament from the golden throne of the House of Lords.

Many of the Bills set out today had already been announced in the summer...

Given that The Queen's Speech is really the government's speech, and that the content has already been previously announced, do we really need the Queen any more or should we dispense with this rather expensive puppet?


Julie said...

Perish the thought!

Fidothedog said...

It would be a start, maybe we could rent them out to the Americans?

Although a reduction in the numbers of nodding donkeys that fill the commons would another good thing.

Barnacle Bill said...

I bet she had to go back to Bucks Pal for a stiff G&T after that.

Anonymous said...

Expensive puppet, eh?

She might look good with Harry Corbett's hand stuck up her arse.....