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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Smith seeks 42-day detention limit

Smith seeks 42-day detention limit

"The government wants to increase the length of time that terror suspects can be held without charge to 42 days, the home secretary, Jacqui Smith, said today.

The move appears to be an attempt at a compromise as the government had previously indicated it favoured a 30-day extension to 58 days

Nay, nay, thrice nay...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good on them, great idea.

Its said 92 perc of the population support ID cards. Yet the will of the 8 perc are taken into. Same with the detentions and heard some idiots on the radio today, blasting off about how the rights of muslims are at risk. How about the rights of the poor buggers on 7/7 in London.

It makes me sick, all this PC crap.

'Liberty' are the bigger threat to this society.

Get real.