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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm a twat so what? You lot will still vote for me at the next General Election

I'm a twat so what? You lot will still vote for me at the next General Election

Cameron is a twat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having read some of B Liars speeches from the past ,it is more than obvious that DC has copied them but changed a word or two. He is a great admirer of B Liar that is also obvious.

Hard to choose between the two twats Brown or DC...Nothing will change they will still be robbing the people for their expenses. I would imagine DC first trip will be to the states where he will be rubbing noses with Obama.

Just glad I no longer live there I am very sad the country has ended up this way was once a place to be proud of now all I feel is shame.

DC is like a child I saw a clip of that radio program it makes you want to cringe...he is not leadersip material. Giggling like a naughty schoolboy when people are losing their homes and jobs.

Nope, I would rather vote for the Loony Party.