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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Rose and the Thorn

It could only happen in America. A man who is married and was being unfaithful to his wife sent his girlfriend a dozen red roses from a florist. The florist then sent his wife the receipt. As she had not received any red roses from her husband, she made inquiries at the florist and they supplied her with the name and address of her husband's girlfriend. She then faxed the receipt to her husband and began divorce proceedings. His response was to sue the florist for $1 million for "mental anguish" caused by the mix-up and his resultant divorce. The company said it took "all matters relating to our customers seriously", adding, however, "we are not responsible for an individual's personal conduct". Perhaps, the court will give him some more mental anguish when it throws out his claim and leaves him with the costs in favour of the florist.

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