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Sunday, May 09, 2010

How to Win an Election: A Panorama Guide

How to Win an Election: A Panorama Guide

Last night at 11.30pm on BBC 4 I watched this very interesting programme. I couldn't help but think that David Cameron based his media image on Harold Wilson. And that Magaret Thatcher was simply a female version of Ted Heath.

It showed Tony Blair in 1997 in the run up to the general election promising to clean up politics. He said "No more lies. No more broken promises".

In the Labour party manifesto of 1997 it states: "The Conservatives' broken promises taint all politics. That is why we have made it our guiding rule not to promise what we cannot deliver; and to deliver what we promise".

"The Conservatives seem opposed to the very idea of democracy".

"Our values are the same: the equal worth of all, with no one cast aside; fairness and justice within strong communities".

"Citizens should have statutory rights to enforce their human rights in the UK courts. We will by statute incorporate the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law to bring these rights home and allow our people access to them in their national courts. The incorporation of the European Convention will establish a floor, not a ceiling, for human rights".

"Labour wants Britain to be respected in the world for the integrity with which it conducts its foreign relations. We will make the protection and promotion of human rights a central part of our foreign policy".

At least in relation to prisoners human right to the vote, Tony Blair and the Labour party not only lied but also broke a promise. I feel that they should have to be held accountable in a democracy for this abuse of power.

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