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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Chindamo: There needs to be a proportionate response

I believe that Learco Chindamo, if and when he is released, should be allowed to live in peace. However, I don't support the idea of giving him a new identity, at public expense, under the witness protection plan, because he is not a witness to a crime and under threat of reprisals from the underworld. He is the murderer of Philip Lawrence who was a school headmaster. If he wishes to change his identity, he can do so at very little cost to himself by way of Deed Poll. It is being reported that if the government decides to go down this route "The cost to the taxpayer during the rest of Chindamo's life would run to millions of pounds". I feel that this is an unnecessary and totally unjustified expense. However, I don't agree with Frances Lawrence comparing this cost with what she received from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority following her husband's murder. They are two separate issues. There needs to be some genuine justification why the Chindamo family needs 24 hour police protection. They are not members of the Royal Family, nor MPs in sensitive jobs. Part and parcel of having committed a crime is having to reintegrate back into society at large, and this includes society accepting that an ex-prisoner needs to be allowed to get on with the remainder of his or her life. As high profile as the media has made this case, it is not in the same league as Mary Bell nor the Jamie Bulger killers. Would it be too much to ask that we have a sense of proportion injected into this case?


Anonymous said...

He could have at least smiled a bit for that photo. Perhaps he has bad teeth?

Anonymous said...

Have to admit you have got it right in this case John. Public, press and political outrage all at one time are the obvious symptoms.

I really hope Chindamo rebuilds his life and becomes a useful member of society and can put aside all the attacks . If he does, then his time in Jail will be a success. Isn't this what we all should want from our Justice system?

jailhouselawyer said...

"savage wop bastard" you didn't fuck up the whole thread, because as you can see your comment got deleted. Ciao.

Anonymous said...

for visiting. Good luck !