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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Big Brother State: 1984 revisited in 2008

The Big Brother State: 1984 revisited in 2008

"The Home Office will create a database to store the details of every phone call made, every email sent and every web page visited by British citizens in the previous year under plans currently under discussion, it has emerged".


Anonymous said...

Why not get the post office to open every letter and make a digital scan. And keep a record of every item of mail delivered to an address?

looks like the "terrorists" have won yet another battle in erroding away our civil liberties.

They'll be making anonymisers illegal next, when they realise that most terrorists are not stupid enough to leave their IP addresses lying around for all to see.

Anonymous said...

Whose won? Terrorists are a pure excuse/pawn being used for the Government to 'win' and have its own way with all of us lot.

The Government cannot help but know that each time they use terrorism as an excuse to act against the people - they will do nothing less than increase terrorist sympathisers within certain realms and factions of the population.

They don't give a shit about terrorism really cos despite all their protection [they supposedly need] they are not the most likely people to be blown up. Jo public is and he does not matter....

Convince people they are under threat here there and everywhere and from any country at all outwith the UK breeds paranoia and fear and a free reign for a dictatorship controlling Government. Whats worse, it makes the weaker factions of society, need it, want it and become dependant on it...

Anonymous said...

I suppose we can all look forward to more junk mail then. When we came back from hospital after having our baby, we started getting junk mail selling baby photos, baby lotion, nappy rash cream, baby clothes, etc. The govt must've sold our details from the maternity ward. So they'll read your emails, pass them on to their business pals, and just send you more junk.
When is the general election again?

Anonymous said...

LOL Africanmum - you are right - nothing like a trip to the maternity ward to get your letterbox inundated with trash!

Its the 'bounty crap' and in unit photographers they get names/addresses from most of this shit spurns from...

Or maybe it was dreamt up by some psychobabblist who thought it would be good to ensure, from an early age - babies felt right to existance by constant receipt of junk mail.

In 30 years time there will be therapist waiting lists all over the uk for kids that feel their value amounted to 50p off the next packet of pampers a free 25ml pot of cream for a sore ass and a measly packet of 10 yoghurt coated organic raisins...

Anonymous said...

You can put your comments directly to the Government using this link.

Anonymous said...

Absolute coincidence, but ive just had email back tonight regarding a hack in my website that i found whilst investigating something else.

The hack is from a council/gov ip server. I found it, it has now been confirmed, by them.

They have been investigating it, but the mail back tonight, although polite, is that they cannot find how or why this has happened.

I have spotted a contradiction in their emails too. First this is a server never used for information going out or surfing..

Now, it is a server they are monitoring and have disabled's internet access.

Which is it, one or the other? It cant be both!

Needless to say, i am not amused about this and am currently publishing on this and blogging it now...

Where does this BB act begin and end?!

Anonymous said...

A lot of peanuts being prepared to be processed by a lot of inexperienced and underpaid monkeys....

Anonymous said...

Well here's one for Gordon. Gordon Braun, you are an incompetent cunt. Fuck off will you and let somebody with an ounce of common sense sort out this mess you have got us all into, you scots GIT.