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Monday, May 26, 2008

Girl 12 to have sex change op

Girl 12 to have sex change op

Call me old fashioned, but this case makes me wonder whether we should be tinkering with nature. I know it is deeper than this, but it comes across that the girl wants to avoid breasts and menstruation therefore she decides to become a boy instead. I mean, it's hardly the same as changing a library book because you don't like it. For thousands of years we accepted the sex nature gave us. And we had to live with it. I cannot help thinking perhaps the girl should have instead had counselling to help her accept what she is and adapt to it?


Anonymous said...

Yet another sign of the times, tomboys have become transsexuals. How sad.

Nunyaa said...

12 is too young to be doing gender re-assignment. Look at that guy who became a woman then is now in the process of going back to a man.

white rabbit said...

12 is old enough to give informed comsent for this sort of stuff? I don't think so...

Anonymous said...

I think the doctors want to drag the mother in to find out exactly why this girl has been led to think this way - and want this action! Same old - they have the wrong damn patient!