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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mr Justice Burton is a disgrace

Mr Justice Burton is a disgrace

It is wholly inappropriate and offensive that Mr Justice Burton is allowed to be so corrupt and/or incompetent to judge the Peter Chester case.

"Dismissing Chester's argument on all grounds, the judge said the case would have cost the taxpayer tens of thousands of pounds and amounted to an "impermissible" attempt to force the courts to interfere with Parliament".

This Prisoners Votes Case has already cost the taxpayers tens of thousands of pounds, because the government has stubbornly refused to give in on a case it cannot possibly win. If the game is to save the taxpayers money, then refusing to give prisoners the vote will cost the taxpayers between £60 and £120 million in compensation payouts to prisoners for being denied the franchise.

Parliament's job is to legislate. However, it cannot legislate unless a draft bill is put to Parliament. Jack Straw is refusing to do his duty. So, this is not the courts interfering with Parliament. This is the Executive interfering with Parliament. Just because Jack Straw is Mr Justice Burton's boss is not grounds to not decide against him. Mr Justice Burton is required to be an impartial judge and not working for the government.

It is offensive to constitutional principles that Mr Justice Burton refused to declare the Representation of the People Act 1983 incompatible with the Human Rights Act 1998. The government has already conceded this position. The judge was required by law to give a ruling based on law and not a ruling which the editor of The Sun might write. What is hopeless is Mr Justice Burton and not Chester's chances of appeal.

Update: Yorkshire Post Lifer loses right to vote bid At least the headline is better than it was when the YP last reported on this case.

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