The Gerry and Kate McCann show intend to mark the one hundredth day of Madeleine's disappearance, this Saturday, with a series of events, starting with a collective media interview this Friday, according to the McCanns PR agent David Hughes. For series of events, this may be translated to read publicity stunts. It would appear that the British government has withdrawn its public relations officer from assisting the McCanns any further. The problem with PR is that it is designed to put a spin on things. However, you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. I suspect that the McCanns are now facing an uphill struggle to maintain credibility in the eyes of the public and the media.
The British media has been a lot slower than the Portugese and German media in criticising the McCanns. It would appear that the McCanns have been advised not to exclude the Portugese media from the forthcoming media event, even though the McCanns have criticised the Portugese media for its relentless refusal to go along with McCann message which has been swallowed by the British media for too long.
Astro has once again translated from the Portugese newspaper Sol on line.
Interesting that HMG is backing off!
David: Yes, damaged goods...
I wonder if GM is still chatting to GB..........or has GB stopped answering the phone?
A source close to the McCann family said: "Within a day of the family speaking to Gordon Brown and expressing their frustration about certain things, the whole attitude of the Portuguese police changed and they found them much more open. The sequence of events suggests some influence was exerted from above."
With friends in high places will Justice be done? Little wonder the Gordon Brown friendly Daily Mail is so protective of the McCanns.
I imagine the donations are drying up to.
If you are a large company, a couple of months ago, a donation would have seemed like sensible PR.
Now the person in charge of giving out money at these companies would have to think twice, when the doubts are surely now reaching the general public.
But surely British PM's don't normally try to affect the outcome of a Serious criminal investigation? What the Fvck is going on here?
In answer to anon @ 8:05 PM
It’s a magician's trick – sleight of hand, or misdirection.
The Mainstream Media have chosen - or, more likely, been ordered by their Illuminati puppet masters - to broadcast as much confusing information, and as many conflicting messages, as possible.
Mind control, or brainwashing, if you prefer, and to some degree or another, they have been doing it, and getting away with it for years.
Given both the gullibility and suggestibility of the masses, it would be more surprising if they didn't.
Never before though, have they done this so obviously as they are doing now.
Conjecture and debate on this issue do not appear to be confined to the internet.
Everyone, it would appear, has an opinion on the different facets of this incident. It matters not whether a person is "pro" or "anti" McCann - people of all shades of opinion are describing this unfolding drama as "compelling", or "mind-boggling", or, that they can "think of little else".
Mind control is where it is at....the purpose: disorientation of the minds of the masses.
Because while this whole Madeleine / Team McCann issue has snatched......grabbed, sorry, the attention of almost everyone, (whether they admit it or not), something else, (something substantially “bigger” and undoubtedly sinister), is happening in the world.
It is just not registering on our individual or collective radars is all.
Keep 'em peeled.
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