Correspondence on prisoner transfer agreement with Libya
Although Guido has posted that the letters are available on his site they are not there. No wonder he tells readers to read between the lines!
Wiktionary Definition for: Paper Trail
* # idiom A written record, history, or collection of evidence.
* Ex:''Keep a good '''paper trail''' in case anyone asks you why you arrived at that conclusion.''
However, if you wish to keep people in the dark it is obvious that you do not commit to paper those things said in private discussions...
It's what these letters do not say which is important.
UPDATE: Guido has now fixed his missing link.
I note that the Scottish Justice Secretary has not released the letters written from across the border, doing so will help to fill in some of the missing segments in this story.
Jack Straw raised concern over Lockerbie bomber's health
Jack Straw passed on Libyan concerns over the health of the Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi to Scottish ministers last year, it has emerged.

Documents released by the Scottish Justice Ministry here.
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