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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lord Goldsmith sanctioned human rights abuses of Iraqi detainees

The Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, is responsible for sanctioning the human rights violations against detainees in Iraq committed by British troops. This revelation may have the effect of putting another nail in Lord Goldsmith's coffin. There is no way that Lord Goldsmith can salvage any shred of reputation, he has proved himself to be devoid of any integrity whatsoever. His philosophy has been since he came into office to give Tony Blair whatever he wants, regardless of whether such conduct broke the law. Lord Goldsmith knew full well that his advice was in direct conflict to that given by the Army's senior legal adviser, Colonel Mercer.

It has been argued that Lord Goldsmith has not only put our troops at greater risk, but also have risked the values that make Britain worth defending.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see how the "PM in waiting" deals with the kidnapping of the five Brits in Baghdad today if a hostage situation arises.
Or will he leave it to TB to sort out whilst he hides in the closet - again.