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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ruth Kelly has HIP replacement

Nothing to do with old folk and the need for hip replacements. This story relates to Home Information Packs (HIPs). The government had intended to launch them on 1st of June, however, the set back is the result of legal action being taken by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. And, the House of Lords is non too chuffed either.


Anonymous said...

Has Ruth Kelly ever done anything worthwhile? All she seems to do is come up with nanny-schemes that waste taxpayers' money.

Anonymous said...

Ruth Kelly's dress sense leads a lot to be desired,. Judging by the outfit she wore in the House yesterday.
But then again I think she was acting as a decoy to attract all the flak that should have been directed at the twat sat next to her - Yvette Cooper.
The real force behind this latest fiasco in NuLabor joined up thinking.
Amazing really, now that the glare of TB has been diminished, we are beginning to see how truly incompetent the rest of the governement are.
No wonder they could not find a challenger to GB from that bunch of village idiots.