I reported here that the US Department of Justice intends to investigate the role of Britain in the BAE/Saudi arms deal scandal which the Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, had attempted to hush up by reaching a political rather than a legal decision not to pursue and investigation which may have led to prosecutions.
Almost two months later, in today's The Times, it is reported that The Times has learnt about this story. There is more here,here and here. Whilst there is a need for a full and proper investigation into this large scale bribery and corruption scandal involving BAE and Saudi Arabia, it concerns me that America is setting itself up as the world's policeman. If America could claim that it had the high moral ground I would not feel so bad. However, America has done more to spread terrorism than Al Qiada, and there is its unjustified and illegal war with Iraq, and everything associated with Guantanamo Bay rules out America for the role of legal and moral police for the rest of the world.
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