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Friday, July 18, 2008

Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans

Smaller prisons work better – but that hasn't stopped the government forging ahead with its plans for mega-jails

If society wishes not to improve the Criminal Justice System, and see re-offending rates go through the roof, and waste billions of taxpayers money for no good purpose, then it will do well to ignore this call to stop the government in its tracks.

Smaller, more manageable prisons is the way forward. Look to the Swedish example for proof of this.


ms_saul said...

I don't understand this either. Although larger prisons may seem at the outset to have lesser costs in terms of heating, electricity, staffing, etc, they end up having a lot of difficulties in terms of population movement, gang breeding, and poor work environment that can end up costing a lot more in the long run. And then there's the whole issue of inmate quality of life.

I love the concept of "planned overcrowding." what a joke.

jailhouselawyer said...

The difference between American and English prisons is that over here the prison officers get involved in courses with prisoners. Sometimes it is on a one to one basis. This could not happen with a Titan prison, it requires less prisoners to be guarded to allow for the rehabilitation.