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Friday, July 18, 2008

It maybe a gas but this isn't funny

It maybe a gas but this isn't funny

The Guardian is reporting Gas prices 'could rise 70%'

I am fuming. Two x 25% rises last year, 1 x 17% rise this year, and a proposed rise of another 70%! The government must compensate the poor for this totally unacceptable position. Prices go up pounds and my Jobseeker's allowance goes up pennies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank fock I am not on mains gas. Saying that, ALL fuel prices will rise with it.

The gov. will have to relax planning laws because there will be a disproportionate amount of people (like me) who will move into a field in a caravan and try to enjoy the simple life.

This shit can't go on. Fuckem and all whot sail in them.