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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

George Osborne has committed a crime

George Osborne has committed a crime

Denis MacShane, the Labour MP, told the BBC: "We passed a law in the year 2000 which says, and I read, "a person commits an offence" and as I say he's committed a crime, "if he does any act likely to facilitate the making of a donation to a registered party by any person other than a permissible donor" and this Russian gentleman is not a permissible donor.

"Now we have people saying this happened and we have Mr Osborne refusing to answer legitimate journalists' questions and David Cameron now is covering up for Mr Osborne. It's actually David Cameron's judgement that is in question and in the past we've had accusations about Tony Blair and loans, we had accusations against Peter Hain and he lost his cabinet job. The authorities now with this allegations about a breach of the law, I think have to investigate this fully or Mr Cameron has to decide ... [whether] he will oblige George Osborne to make full disclosure instead of yesterday Mr Osborne refusing to answer legitimate questions.


Anonymous said...


Mandleson's back and with it 'dirty politics'.

2345 said...


In which case Mandleson should be forced to do likewise.

Labour deals with the opposition in mysterious ways .... seems to be aping the Republicans.

Anonymous said...

The Russian is not a permissible donor, but his company is, he owns LeylandDaf.

I fear this is not so much a case of what did Osborne do wrong, but one of Murdoch flexing his muscles, but no-one dare say, no-one dare cross Murdoch.

Remember that Murdoch was also in the vicinity of the yachts, and the lead vehicles for the diatribe are all Murdoch vehicles (Times, Sun, SkyNews) backed by the BBC. This is a set up if ever I have seen one.

Is it because Osborne is the Tories current Bilderberger?

Can't risk having one of those running about like a loose cannon, shooting his mouth off about private meetings, can they.

This is a big Murdoch slap down on behalf of Bilderberg (of which Rothschild is a key member), a warning shot to Cameron, to remind him to toe the internationalist line.

Murdoch can build him up, and destroy him.....The fact that Labour are likely to gain a scalp is a secondary issue here.

jailhouselawyer said...

Yes, I am aware that Murdoch was also floating around the yacht like the corpse of Bob Maxwell.