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Friday, October 17, 2008

You cannot sue God... he has no known address

You cannot sue God... he has no known address

An American politician's attempt to sue God has been thrown out of court after a judge ruled the suit could not be served because the Almighty has an unlisted address.

Ernie Chambers, a Nebraska state senator, sought a "permanent injunction" that ordered God to stop causing "widespread death, destruction and terrorisation of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants".

The suit listed examples of God's wrath including "fearsome floods, horrendous hurricanes, earthquakes, plagues, famine, genocidal wars, birth defects, terrifying tornadoes and the like"


Anonymous said...


Perhaps he has a point ... in biblical terms, Noah heard the voice of God and acted accordingly before the flood ....

James Higham said...

Like it.

Anonymous said...

So how the fock do insurance companies declare a claim invalid because they deem it to be "an act of God"

A point worth arguing in a court of law. REALLY. Innit.

Anonymous said...

Either these legal bodies accept an ultimate entity or they do not. They cannot argue THIS point in law. Fact. YOU should know about this, Paul's premier blogger.

Anonymous said...

If a person cannot sue God then surely no insurance company can use his entity as a get-out clause when dealing with insurance claims......

This sword has two edges....

Anonymous said...

ron knee,

Because it increases profits ?

Anonymous said...

ron knee,

Clogged drains, silted ditches/streams poor planning causing flooding are not acts of God.

Homeowners are, nevertheless, made to pay.