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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A tale of two cats...

A tale of two cats...

A monkey treats a cat better than...

A long tailed macaque monkey adopts a kitten in the forests of Bali, Indonesia
A young long tailed macaque monkey has been spotted in a forest protectively nuzzling and grooming a ginger kitten and making sure no harm came to it. The extraordinary sight was captured by amateur photographer Anne Young while on holiday at the Monkey Forest Park, in the Ubud region of Bali, Indonesia
Picture: Anne Young/Solent News

...this evil Cunt who thinks animal cruelty is a funny joke!

"I did it as a joke because I thought it would be funny. I never thought it would be trapped. I expected it to wriggle out of the bin."

"I really don't see what everyone is getting so excited about - it's just a cat".

Why does the Royal Bank of Scotland think that this is acceptable behaviour from one of it's employees?


CherryPie said...

And her words are obvious lies. She looked round to see she if she was being rushed, dumped the cat and ran off!!!

jailhouselawyer said...

Cherrypie: I don't like using the word evil to describe somebody, but I also noticed her see the bin first before stroking the cat with the intention of causing it harm. It was not momentary at all, nor an error of judgement but evil and calculated strike on a defenceless cat.