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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Palestinian children 'kept naked in stable for 20 years by their father'

Palestinian children 'kept naked in stable for 20 years by their father'

A Palestinian man has been accused of treating his two mentally ill children like animals by locking them naked in a stable for 20 years.

Because he did not want to feel ashamed? I hope he feels shame now for this inhumane treatment of the mentally ill?



OR they became mentally ill in that enviornment?

Sometimes, human nature makes me think it is US who should become extinct, and the earth given back to the animals.

Anonymous said...


Different cultures have different attitudes. In Victorian times, mental illness was a huge stigma.
Sufferers, including children were locked away, due to ignorance.

I think Diana Princess of Wales admission of emotionally based problems, bulimia and that she took Prozac helped others. She took away the shame.