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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

This is just hype

This is just hype

The leader of a terrorist cell who downloaded information about the royal family has been sentenced to 12 years in prison.

These are not real terrorists. They are not even real suspect terrorists. We have entered the realm of thought crime. However, the sentences are real enough. It is a victimless crime, unless we count these poor devils as victims of unjust laws or just laws used unjustly.

If there are no acts of terrorism or plans of specific attacks then there should be no convictions.


Anonymous said...

I'm next!

Anonymous said...


Which proves Big Brother spyware is used and abused.

I doubt the Royal family - Britain's sovereingty is protected under the Lisbon Treaty.

What a shambles .... hate preacher 'hook', an obvious enemy of Britain was paid over £25,000 a year in benefits. An web browser is jailed for 12 years for 'looking' at the Royal Family.

Labour's TRUE Manifesto - onward march to a Federal Europe on the basis of spin and lies.